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SS3 Third Term Salesmanship Past Questions And Answers

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SS3 Third Term Salesmanship Past Questions And Answers


Here are 20 Salesmanship questions for Senior Secondary School 3 (SSS3) third term, along with options and answers:


Question: What is the primary goal of salesmanship?


A) Maximizing profits

B) Building relationships

C) Reducing costs

D) Market research

Answer: B) Building relationships


Question: Which of the following is a characteristic of a successful salesperson?


A) Aggressiveness

B) Lack of empathy

C) Dishonesty

D) Active listening skills

Answer: D) Active listening skills


Question: In sales, what does the term “cold calling” refer to?


A) Selling refrigerators

B) Contacting potential customers without prior contact

C) Offering discounts on products

D) Ignoring customer inquiries

Answer: B) Contacting potential customers without prior contact


Question: What is the purpose of a sales pitch?


A) To bore the customer

B) To inform and persuade

C) To criticize competitors

D) To avoid eye contact

Answer: B) To inform and persuade


Question: Which stage of the sales process involves identifying potential customers?


A) Prospecting

B) Closing

C) Presenting

D) Negotiating

Answer: A) Prospecting


Question: What is the significance of product knowledge in sales?


A) It’s irrelevant

B) Helps build trust and confidence

C) Delays the sales process

D) Discourages customer questions

Answer: B) Helps build trust and confidence


Question: Which sales technique involves offering a lower-priced product initially and then upselling to a higher-priced one?


A) Telemarketing

B) Bait and switch

C) Cross-selling

D) Pyramid scheme

Answer: C) Cross-selling


Question: What does the acronym “ABC” stand for in sales?


A) Always Be Closing

B) All Business Connections

C) Advanced Business Consulting

D) Actively Building Clients

Answer: A) Always Be Closing


Question: How can a salesperson handle objections effectively?


A) Ignore objections

B) Argue with the customer

C) Listen and address concerns

D) Avoid customer feedback

Answer: C) Listen and address concerns


Question: Which type of sales presentation involves demonstrating the product’s features and benefits?


A) Informative presentation

B) Persuasive presentation

C) Comparative presentation

D) Monotonous presentation

Answer: A) Informative presentation


Question: What is the purpose of a follow-up in the sales process?

A) To forget about the customer

B) To re-engage and build relationships

C) To lower product prices

D) To criticize competitors

Answer: B) To re-engage and build relationships


Question: In sales, what does the term “USP” stand for?

A) Unique Selling Proposition

B) Universal Sales Protocol

C) Ultimate Sales Performance

D) Underestimated Sales Tactics

Answer: A) Unique Selling Proposition


Question: What role does body language play in sales?

A) No role at all

B) Indicates disinterest

C) Communicates confidence and sincerity

D) Confuses customers

Answer: C) Communicates confidence and sincerity


Question: What is the importance of building rapport with customers in sales?

A) It’s unnecessary

B) Helps create a positive connection and trust

C) Delays the sales process

D) Leads to conflicts

Answer: B) Helps create a positive connection and trust


Question: Which factor is crucial for successful negotiation in sales?

A) Rigidity

B) Lack of preparation

C) Flexibility and compromise

D) Ignoring customer needs

Answer: C) Flexibility and compromise


Question: What is the purpose of a sales forecast?

A) To guess future sales randomly

B) To predict and plan future sales

C) To discourage sales efforts

D) To hide sales information

Answer: B) To predict and plan future sales


Question: What role does emotional intelligence play in sales?

A) No role at all

B) Hinders communication

C) Helps understand and connect with customers emotionally

D) Creates misunderstandings

Answer: C) Helps understand and connect with customers emotionally


Question: What is the primary purpose of a sales contract?

A) To confuse customers

B) To outline terms and conditions of the sale

C) To hide product information

D) To increase prices unexpectedly

Answer: B) To outline terms and conditions of the sale


Question: Which type of sales technique involves creating a sense of urgency to encourage immediate purchase?

A) Consultative selling

B) Relationship selling

C) Hard selling

D) Soft selling

Answer: C) Hard selling


Question: What is the role of feedback in the sales process?


A) To ignore customer opinions

B) To improve and adjust sales strategies

C) To discourage communication

D) To criticize competitors

Answer: B) To improve and adjust sales strategies.

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