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SS2 Second Term English Language Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 Second Term English Language Past Questions And Answers


SS2 second term English Language questions with options and answers:


Question: Identify the genre of literature that uses magical elements and often includes mythical creatures:


a) Mystery

b) Fantasy

c) Science Fiction

d) Historical Fiction


Answer: b) Fantasy


Question: Choose the correct form of the adjective: “This is the _______ book I’ve ever read.”


a) Goodest

b) Better

c) Best

d) Good


Answer: c) Best


Question: What is the meaning of the term “Oxymoron”?


a) A figure of speech with contradictory terms

b) A type of poem

c) A type of novel

d) A type of comedy


Answer: a) A figure of speech with contradictory terms


Question: Select the correct spelling:


a) Exaggerate

b) Exagerate

c) Exajerate

d) Exaggarate


Answer: a) Exaggerate


Question: In the sentence “The car is red,” what is the predicate?


a) The

b) Car

c) Is

d) Red


Answer: c) Is


Question: Identify the correct sentence:


a) Its raining outside.

b) It’s raining outside.

c) Its’ raining outside.

d) Its raining, outside.


Answer: b) It’s raining outside.


Question: Choose the synonym for “Voracious”:


a) Indifferent

b) Eager

c) Lethargic

d) Apathetic


Answer: b) Eager


Question: What is the meaning of the term “Cliché”?


a) A fresh and original idea

b) A worn-out expression or idea

c) A type of poem

d) A scientific term


Answer: b) A worn-out expression or idea


Question: Identify the interjection in the sentence: “Wow, that was amazing!”


a) Wow

b) That

c) Was

d) Amazing


Answer: a) Wow


Question: Choose the correct conjunction: “She wants to go to the party _____ she has a lot of work to do.”


a) But

b) And

c) Or

d) Because


Answer: a) But


Question: What is the meaning of the acronym “UNESCO”?


a) United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

b) United Nations Economic and Social Cooperation

c) Universal Network for Educational Studies and Cooperation

d) United Nations Environment and Social Coordination Organization


Answer: a) United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization


Question: Identify the adjective in the sentence: “The big, yellow sun set behind the mountains.”


a) Big

b) Yellow

c) Sun

d) Mountains


Answer: b) Yellow


Question: What is the plural form of “Crisis”?


a) Crisises

b) Crises

c) Crisis

d) Crissises


Answer: b) Crises


Question: Choose the correct preposition: “The cat jumped _____ the table.”


a) On

b) In

c) Over

d) Across


Answer: a) On


Question: Identify the rhyme scheme in the following lines: “ABAB CDCD EFEF GHGH”







Answer: b) ABAB


Question: What is the meaning of the idiom “Bite the bullet”?


a) To shoot a bullet

b) To chew on a bullet

c) To face a difficult situation with courage

d) To avoid a problem


Answer: c) To face a difficult situation with courage


Question: Which sentence is in the past perfect tense?


a) She will finish her work.

b) She is finishing her work.

c) She had finished her work.

d) She finishes her work.


Answer: c) She had finished her work.


Question: What is the meaning of the term “Allegory”?


a) A story with a hidden meaning

b) A funny story

c) A sad story

d) A love story


Answer: a) A story with a hidden meaning


Question: Choose the correct form of “He has”:


a) He has

b) He is

c) He haves

d) He have


Answer: a) He has


Question: Identify the author of the play “Romeo and Juliet”:


a) Charles Dickens

b) William Shakespeare

c) Jane Austen

d) Mark Twain


Answer: b) William Shakespeare


Question: What is the plural of “Radius”?


a) Radii

b) Radiuses

c) Radiuses

d) Radial


Answer: a) Radii


Question: Choose the correct form of the verb: “They _____ to the park every weekend.”


a) Go

b) Goes

c) Going

d) Gone


Answer: a) Go


Question: Identify the conjunction in the sentence: “She likes ice cream, but she prefers cake.”


a) She

b) Likes

c) But

d) Cake


Answer: c) But


Question: What is the superlative form of “Far”?


a) Further

b) Farest

c) Furthest

d) Farder


Answer: c) Furthest


Question: Choose the correct sentence:


a) I seen that movie before.

b) I saw that movie before.

c) I seed that movie before.

d) I seeing that movie before.


Answer: b) I saw that movie before.


Question: Identify the type of sentence: “Please pass the salt.”


a) Declarative

b) Interrogative

c) Imperative

d) Exclamatory


Answer: c) Imperative


Question: What is the meaning of the term “Irony”?


a) A figure of speech using exaggerated terms

b) A form of humor

c) A contrast between expectation and reality

d) A type of poem


Answer: c) A contrast between expectation and reality.

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