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SS2 Third Term IRS Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 Third Term IRS Past Questions And Answers


20 SS2 Third Term IRS (Islamic Religious Studies) questions with options and answers:


Question: What is the term for the pilgrimage performed by Muslims outside the Hajj season and is not a substitute for the obligatory Hajj?


A. Qiran

B. Umrah

C. Tawaf

D. I’tikaf

Answer: B. Umrah

Question: Which surah of the Quran is often recited for protection and is known as the “Verse of the Throne”?


A. Al-Fatiha

B. Al-Baqarah

C. Ayat al-Kursi

D. Al-Ikhlas

Answer: C. Ayat al-Kursi

Question: What is the term for the voluntary charity or good deeds performed by Muslims beyond the obligatory acts?


A. Zakat

B. Sadaqah

C. Khums

D. Fitrah

Answer: B. Sadaqah

Question: Which prophet is known for his skills in craftsmanship and is mentioned in the Quran as the builder of the Ark?


A. Nuh (Noah)

B. Ibrahim (Abraham)

C. Lut (Lot)

D. Idris (Enoch)

Answer: D. Idris (Enoch)

Question: What is the term for the spiritual retreat or seclusion in the mosque during the last ten days of Ramadan?


A. I’tikaf

B. Tafsir

C. Dhikr

D. Fatwa

Answer: A. I’tikaf

Question: Which Islamic scholar is known for his compilation of Hadith known as Sunan Abu Dawood?


A. Imam Malik

B. Imam Shafi’i

C. Imam Hanbali

D. Imam Abu Dawood

Answer: D. Imam Abu Dawood

Question: What is the term for the Islamic concept of divine preordainment or destiny?


A. Qadr

B. Qiyamah

C. Qiblah

D. Qunoot

Answer: A. Qadr

Question: During the Hajj pilgrimage, which ritual involves the symbolic stoning of three pillars representing Satan?


A. Rami

B. Sa’i

C. Tawaf

D. Mina

Answer: A. Rami

Question: Which wife of Prophet Muhammad is known for her generosity and is often referred to as the “Mother of the Poor”?


A. Aisha

B. Khadijah

C. Umm Salamah

D. Hafsa

Answer: C. Umm Salamah

Question: In Islam, what is the term for the endowment of property for religious or charitable purposes?


A. Zakat

B. Sadaqah

C. Khums

D. Waqf

Answer: D. Waqf

Question: What is the term for the practice of seeking forgiveness and repentance from Allah?


A. Tawbah

B. Dua

C. Istighfar

D. Qunoot

Answer: C. Istighfar

Question: Which surah of the Quran is known as the “Chapter of the Elephant” and recounts the miraculous event involving Abraha’s army?


A. Al-Fatiha

B. Al-Baqarah

C. Al-Fil

D. Al-Mulk

Answer: C. Al-Fil

Question: In Islamic tradition, what is the term for the recitation or chanting of the Quran in a melodious manner?


A. Tajweed

B. Qira’ah

C. Tafsir

D. Fatwa

Answer: B. Qira’ah

Question: Which prophet is known as the “Speaker of the Unborn” and is mentioned in the Quran for speaking while still in the cradle?


A. Isa (Jesus)

B. Yahya (John)

C. Musa (Moses)

D. Ibrahim (Abraham)

Answer: B. Yahya (John)

Question: What is the term for the Islamic obligation of commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil?


A. Tawhid

B. Amr bil Ma’ruf

C. Iman

D. Taqwa

Answer: B. Amr bil Ma’ruf

Question: Which prophet is known for his patience during the construction of the Kaaba and is mentioned in the Quran?


A. Nuh (Noah)

B. Ibrahim (Abraham)

C. Isma’il (Ishmael)

D. Hud

Answer: C. Isma’il (Ishmael)

Question: What is the term for the Friday sermon delivered by the Imam before the Friday prayer?


A. Khutbah

B. Tafsir

C. Fatwa

D. Dhikr

Answer: A. Khutbah

Question: In Islamic tradition, what is the term for the remembrance of Allah through phrases and prayers?


A. Dua

B. Dhikr

C. Qunoot

D. Tawaf

Answer: B. Dhikr

Question: Which companion of Prophet Muhammad is known for his compilation of Hadith known as Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal?


A. Abu Bakr

B. Uthman

C. Ali

D. Ahmad ibn Hanbal

Answer: D. Ahmad ibn Hanbal

Question: What is the term for the migration of Prophet Muhammad from Makkah to Madinah?


A. Hijrah

B. Isra

C. Mi’raj

D. Qadr

Answer: A. Hijrah.

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