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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS2 First Term Store Management Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS2 First Term Store Management Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1-2: Introduction to Store Management

Lesson Note:

Introduce students to the fundamentals of store management, covering topics such as the importance of effective store management, key principles, and basic terminology.




Group discussions on the role of store management in business.

Case studies on successful store management practices.

Scheme of Work:


Week 1: Introduction to Store Management

Week 2: Principles of Store Management

Week 3-4: Types of Stores and Layout Design

Lesson Note:

Explore various types of stores and their layout designs. Discuss factors influencing store layout decisions and the impact on customer experience.




Store visit or virtual tour to observe different store layouts.

Group project: Designing an ideal store layout.

Scheme of Work:


Week 3: Types of Stores

Week 4: Store Layout Design

Week 5-6: Inventory Management

Lesson Note:

Delve into inventory management, covering topics such as stock control, ordering, and handling discrepancies. Emphasize the importance of maintaining accurate inventory records.




Role-play scenarios of managing inventory discrepancies.

Guest speaker from a local business sharing their inventory management experiences.

Scheme of Work:


Week 5: Stock Control

Week 6: Inventory Handling and Ordering

Week 7-8: Customer Service in Store Management

Lesson Note:

Focus on the significance of exceptional customer service in store management. Discuss communication skills, problem-solving, and handling customer complaints.




Role-playing customer service scenarios.

Guest speaker from the retail industry sharing insights on customer service.

Scheme of Work:


Week 7: Importance of Customer Service

Week 8: Effective Communication in Store Management

Week 9-10: Technology in Store Management

Lesson Note:

Explore the role of technology in modern store management. Introduce point-of-sale systems, inventory software, and other technological tools.




Hands-on experience with basic POS systems.

Group project: Research and present a new technological advancement in store management.

Scheme of Work:


Week 9: Point-of-Sale Systems

Week 10: Integrating Technology in Store Management

Week 11: Revision Week

Lesson Note:

Review key concepts and topics covered throughout the term. Conduct practice quizzes and engage in open discussions to reinforce learning.




Group revision sessions.

Q&A sessions to clarify doubts.

Scheme of Work:


Week 11: Revision and Review

Week 12: Examination Week

Lesson Note:

Conduct a comprehensive examination covering all aspects of store management studied during the term.




Written examinations.

Practical assessments where applicable.

Scheme of Work:


Week 12: Examinations

Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Lesson Note:

Conclude the term by summarizing key takeaways and addressing any remaining questions. Provide guidance on further learning opportunities.




Reflection on the term’s learning experiences.

Distribution of academic progress reports.

Scheme of Work:


Week 13: Conclusion and School Dismissal.

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