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SS3 Third Term Literature In English Past Questions And Answers

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SS3 Third Term Literature In English Past Questions And Answers


SS3 Third Term Literature in English questions with options and answers:


Question: Who wrote the novel “Things Fall Apart”?


A) Wole Soyinka

B) Chinua Achebe

C) Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

D) Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o

Answer: B) Chinua Achebe


Question: In William Shakespeare’s play “Macbeth,” what is Macbeth’s tragic flaw?


A) Ambition

B) Jealousy

C) Cowardice

D) Indecision

Answer: A) Ambition


Question: Who is the author of the play “Oedipus Rex”?


A) Sophocles

B) Euripides

C) Aeschylus

D) Aristophanes

Answer: A) Sophocles


Question: What literary term refers to a recurring theme or idea in a work of literature?


A) Motif

B) Allegory

C) Irony

D) Epiphany

Answer: A) Motif


Question: In George Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” what does the character Boxer symbolize?


A) The working class

B) The ruling elite

C) The intellectuals

D) The revolutionaries

Answer: A) The working class


Question: Who wrote the poem “The Road Not Taken”?


A) Robert Frost

B) Langston Hughes

C) Emily Dickinson

D) Walt Whitman

Answer: A) Robert Frost


Question: What literary term involves a sudden realization or understanding by a character?


A) Climax

B) Epiphany

C) Foreshadowing

D) Denouement

Answer: B) Epiphany


Question: In the novel “Jane Eyre,” who is the mysterious figure in the attic?


A) Mr. Rochester

B) Bertha Mason

C) St. John Rivers

D) Helen Burns

Answer: B) Bertha Mason


Question: What literary term refers to the use of humor, irony, or ridicule to criticize or mock people or society?


A) Satire

B) Parody

C) Farce

D) Allegory

Answer: A) Satire


Question: Who is the author of the play “A Doll’s House”?


A) Henrik Ibsen

B) Anton Chekhov

C) August Strindberg

D) George Bernard Shaw

Answer: A) Henrik Ibsen


Question: In the novel “Lord of the Flies,” what does the character Piggy symbolize?


A) Wisdom

B) Leadership

C) Civilization

D) Savagery

Answer: A) Wisdom


Question: What literary term refers to the emotional or psychological state of the main character?


A) Mood

B) Tone

C) Atmosphere

D) Setting

Answer: A) Mood


Question: Who is the author of the play “Waiting for Godot”?


A) Samuel Beckett

B) Harold Pinter

C) Tom Stoppard

D) Eugene O’Neill

Answer: A) Samuel Beckett


Question: In the novel “The Scarlet Letter,” what does the scarlet letter ‘A’ symbolize?


A) Adultery

B) Redemption

C) Ambition

D) Alienation

Answer: A) Adultery


Question: What literary term refers to the repetition of vowel sounds in a series of words?


A) Alliteration

B) Assonance

C) Consonance

D) Rhyme

Answer: B) Assonance


Question: Who wrote the play “Long Day’s Journey into Night”?


A) Eugene O’Neill

B) Tennessee Williams

C) Arthur Miller

D) Lorraine Hansberry

Answer: A) Eugene O’Neill


Question: In the novel “The Grapes of Wrath,” what historical event is depicted?


A) The Dust Bowl

B) The Great Depression

C) World War II

D) The Roaring Twenties

Answer: B) The Great Depression


Question: What is the literary term for a figure of speech in which a part represents the whole or vice versa?


A) Metonymy

B) Synecdoche

C) Hyperbole

D) Oxymoron

Answer: B) Synecdoche


Question: Who is the author of the novel “The Old Man and the Sea”?


A) Ernest Hemingway

B) F. Scott Fitzgerald

C) John Steinbeck

D) William Faulkner

Answer: A) Ernest Hemingway


Question: In the play “Julius Caesar,” who delivers the famous speech beginning with “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears”?


A) Brutus

B) Mark Antony

C) Cassius

D) Caesar

Answer: B) Mark Antony.

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