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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 Second Term IRS/IRK Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 Second Term IRS/IRK Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS3 Second Term Islamic Religion Studies (IRS) Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Islamic Law (Sharia)


Lesson Focus: Introduction to Sharia and its role in Islamic governance.

Activities: Class discussions on the principles of Sharia. Analyzing case studies to understand the application of Islamic law in various contexts.

Week 2: Comparative Religion


Lesson Focus: Exploring the similarities and differences between Islam and other major religions.

Activities: Research projects comparing the core tenets of Islam with other religions. Panel discussions on promoting interfaith understanding.

Week 3: Islamic Art and Architecture


Lesson Focus: Appreciating the artistic and architectural aspects of Islamic culture.

Activities: Art projects inspired by Islamic geometric patterns. Virtual tours or guest lectures on significant Islamic architectural landmarks.

Week 4: Environmental Ethics in Islam


Lesson Focus: Understanding the Islamic perspective on environmental conservation.

Activities: Tree planting or clean-up activities as a practical expression of environmental responsibility. Class discussions on sustainable living in accordance with Islamic principles.

Week 5: Tafsir (Quranic Exegesis)


Lesson Focus: Introduction to Tafsir and its significance in understanding the Quran.

Activities: Reading and analyzing selected Quranic verses. Group discussions on the importance of context in interpreting the Quran.

Week 6: Sufism and Islamic Mysticism


Lesson Focus: Exploring the mystical dimension of Islam through Sufi teachings.

Activities: Guest lecture by a Sufi scholar. Q&A sessions on common misconceptions about Sufism.

Week 7: Contemporary Issues in Islam


Lesson Focus: Addressing modern challenges within the framework of Islamic teachings.

Activities: Debates on current social and ethical issues. Group projects on proposing Islamic solutions to contemporary problems.

Week 8: Islamic Contributions to Science and Medicine


Lesson Focus: Examining the historical contributions of Islamic scholars to science and medicine.

Activities: Research projects on prominent Muslim scientists. Class presentations on the impact of Islamic civilization on the development of science and medicine.

Week 9: Interpersonal Relations in Islam


Lesson Focus: Understanding the importance of positive interpersonal relations in Islam.

Activities: Role-playing scenarios to practice conflict resolution. Group discussions on fostering harmonious relationships in the community.

Week 10: Islamic Calligraphy


Lesson Focus: Appreciating the art of Arabic calligraphy in Islamic culture.

Activities: Calligraphy workshops. Creating artwork with Arabic inscriptions and exploring the spiritual significance of calligraphy.

Week 11: Revision Week


Activities: Comprehensive review sessions, practice exams, and group study sessions to prepare for the upcoming examinations.

Week 12: Examination Week


Activities: Conducting written exams, oral exams, and practical assessments to evaluate students’ understanding of the course material.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Activities: Final class reflections, awarding certificates of completion, and addressing any outstanding concerns. Wishing students a restful break and encouraging them to continue exploring Islamic knowledge independently.

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