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Past Questions and Answers

Literature In English JAMB Past Questions And Answers (Objectives and Theory)

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20 Literature in English JAMB questions along with options and answers, followed by 5 theory questions and answers as Section B:


Section A: Multiple Choice Questions


Who is the author of the novel “Things Fall Apart”?

A) Wole Soyinka

B) Chinua Achebe

C) Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

D) Ben Okri

Answer: B) Chinua Achebe


In Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet,” which family does Romeo belong to?

A) Montague

B) Capulet

C) Verona

D) Medici

Answer: A) Montague


What is the setting of George Orwell’s “1984”?

A) London, England

B) Paris, France

C) New York City, USA

D) Berlin, Germany

Answer: A) London, England


Who wrote the poem “The Waste Land”?

A) T.S. Eliot

B) Robert Frost

C) Sylvia Plath

D) William Wordsworth

Answer: A) T.S. Eliot


Which literary movement is associated with authors like F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway?

A) Romanticism

B) Modernism

C) Realism

D) Postmodernism

Answer: B) Modernism


“To Kill a Mockingbird” is a novel written by:

A) Harper Lee

B) J.D. Salinger

C) Mark Twain

D) John Steinbeck

Answer: A) Harper Lee


Who is the protagonist of the novel “The Catcher in the Rye”?

A) Holden Caulfield

B) Atticus Finch

C) Scout Finch

D) Jay Gatsby

Answer: A) Holden Caulfield


Which of these plays is not written by William Shakespeare?

A) Macbeth

B) Othello

C) Faust

D) Hamlet

Answer: C) Faust


Who wrote the epic poem “Paradise Lost”?

A) John Donne

B) John Milton

C) Samuel Taylor Coleridge

D) Percy Bysshe Shelley

Answer: B) John Milton


In the novel “1984,” what is the ruling party’s slogan?

A) Peace, Freedom, Love

B) Ignorance is Strength

C) War is Peace

D) Knowledge is Power

Answer: C) War is Peace


Which of these characters is not from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”?

A) Ophelia

B) Desdemona

C) Horatio

D) Polonius

Answer: B) Desdemona


Who wrote the novel “The Great Gatsby”?

A) Ernest Hemingway

B) F. Scott Fitzgerald

C) John Steinbeck

D) Virginia Woolf

Answer: B) F. Scott Fitzgerald


What literary device is used in the line “Hope is the thing with feathers”?

A) Simile

B) Metaphor

C) Personification

D) Hyperbole

Answer: C) Personification


Which of these plays is not written by Arthur Miller?

A) Death of a Salesman

B) The Crucible

C) A Streetcar Named Desire

D) All My Sons

Answer: C) A Streetcar Named Desire


Who is the author of the novel “Pride and Prejudice”?

A) Jane Austen

B) Charlotte Brontë

C) Emily Dickinson

D) Virginia Woolf

Answer: A) Jane Austen


What is the name of the island in William Golding’s novel “Lord of the Flies”?

A) Treasure Island

B) Coral Island

C) Skull Island

D) Piggy Island

Answer: B) Coral Island


Which of these novels is not written by Gabriel García Márquez?

A) One Hundred Years of Solitude

B) Love in the Time of Cholera

C) Chronicle of a Death Foretold

D) The Shadow of the Wind

Answer: D) The Shadow of the Wind


In “The Odyssey” by Homer, who is the king of Ithaca and the hero of the epic?

A) Odysseus

B) Achilles

C) Hector

D) Agamemnon

Answer: A) Odysseus


Who wrote the play “A Doll’s House”?

A) Henrik Ibsen

B) Anton Chekhov

C) August Strindberg

D) Luigi Pirandello

Answer: A) Henrik Ibsen


Which of these novels is not written by Charles Dickens?

A) Great Expectations

B) Oliver Twist

C) Wuthering Heights

D) A Tale of Two Cities

Answer: C) Wuthering Heights


Section B: Theory Questions


Discuss the theme of love in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” citing examples from the text.

Answer: The theme of love in “Romeo and Juliet” is multifaceted, encompassing romantic love, familial love, and societal expectations. Romeo and Juliet’s love defies their families’ feud, leading to tragedy. Their love is passionate and impulsive, demonstrated by Romeo’s declaration, “Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! / For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night” (Act 1, Scene 5). Additionally, the love between Juliet and her nurse and Romeo and his friends further explores the complexities of love in the play.


Analyze the role of symbolism in George Orwell’s “1984,” focusing on the significance of the Party’s slogans and the symbol of the glass paperweight.

Answer: In “1984,” symbolism is integral to conveying the oppressive atmosphere of the dystopian society. The Party’s slogans, such as “War is Peace,” “Freedom is Slavery,” and “Ignorance is Strength,” manipulate language to control the thoughts of citizens, reflecting the Party’s manipulation of truth and reality. The glass paperweight symbolizes the protagonist Winston’s desire for individuality and freedom in a totalitarian regime. It represents a fragment of the past and his longing for a simpler, pre-Party era.

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