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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 Third Term IRS/IRK Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 Third Term IRS/IRK Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS3 Third Term Islamic Religion Studies (IRS) Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Contemporary Islamic Movements


Lesson Focus: Exploring modern Islamic movements and their impact.

Activities: Research projects on influential Islamic movements. Class discussions on the relevance of these movements in the contemporary Muslim world.

Week 2: Islamic Governance


Lesson Focus: Understanding the principles of Islamic governance and leadership.

Activities: Simulated governance exercises. Debates on the role of Islamic principles in shaping political structures.

Week 3: Islamic Banking and Finance


Lesson Focus: Delving into the principles of Islamic economics and finance.

Activities: Guest lecture from an expert in Islamic finance. Group projects on creating an Islamic financial plan.

Week 4: Islamic Ethics in Business


Lesson Focus: Applying ethical principles in Islamic business practices.

Activities: Case studies on ethical dilemmas in business. Role-playing scenarios for practicing ethical decision-making.

Week 5: Comparative Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)


Lesson Focus: Understanding the principles of Islamic jurisprudence and legal reasoning.

Activities: Group discussions on different schools of thought in Islamic jurisprudence. Analyzing legal cases to apply Usul al-Fiqh.

Week 6: Islamic Social Welfare


Lesson Focus: Exploring the concept of social welfare in Islam.

Activities: Community service projects. Group discussions on the role of charity in Islamic communities.

Week 7: Family Law in Islam


Lesson Focus: Understanding the principles of family law in Islam.

Activities: Mock family court proceedings. Group discussions on contemporary family issues in the light of Islamic teachings.

Week 8: The Role of Islamic Scholars (Ulema)


Lesson Focus: Examining the responsibilities and influence of Islamic scholars.

Activities: Guest lecture by a prominent Islamic scholar. Q&A sessions with local scholars.

Week 9: Islamic Media Ethics


Lesson Focus: Exploring ethical considerations in Islamic media.

Activities: Group projects on creating ethically sound Islamic media content. Debates on the impact of media on Islamic values.

Week 10: Hajj and Umrah


Lesson Focus: Understanding the rituals and significance of Hajj and Umrah.

Activities: Virtual tour of Hajj and Umrah rituals. Group discussions on the spiritual experiences of pilgrims.

Week 11: Revision Week


Activities: Comprehensive review sessions, practice exams, and group study sessions to prepare for the upcoming examinations.

Week 12: Examination Week


Activities: Conducting written exams, oral exams, and practical assessments to evaluate students’ understanding of the course material.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Activities: Final class reflections, awarding certificates of completion, and addressing any outstanding concerns. Wishing students success in their future endeavors and encouraging them to continue embodying Islamic principles in their lives.

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