JSS2 Second Term IRK/IRS Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
Week 1: Introduction to Hadith in Islam
Lesson: Understanding the significance of Hadith, its compilation, and authenticity.
Activity: Analyzing and discussing selected Hadiths.
Week 2: Islamic Jurisprudence – Shariah
Lesson: Exploring the principles and sources of Islamic law (Shariah).
Activity: Group discussions on the application of Shariah in modern contexts.
Week 3: The Concept of Jihad in Islam
Lesson: Understanding the meaning of Jihad, its different forms, and misconceptions.
Activity: Debates on the concept of Jihad in contemporary society.
Week 4: Islamic Art and Architecture
Lesson: Exploring the rich tradition of Islamic art and architecture.
Activity: Creating art pieces inspired by Islamic geometric patterns.
Week 5: Islamic Science and Medicine
Lesson: Discovering the contributions of Islamic scholars to science and medicine.
Activity: Research projects on influential Islamic scientists and their discoveries.
Week 6: Women’s Rights in Islam
Lesson: Understanding the rights and status of women in Islam.
Activity: Panel discussions on women’s roles in Islamic societies.
Week 7: Islamic Finance and Economics
Lesson: Exploring the principles of Islamic finance and economic ethics.
Activity: Simulating an Islamic economic system within the class.
Week 8: Environmental Ethics in Islam
Lesson: Discussing the importance of environmental stewardship in Islamic teachings.
Activity: Initiating a class project focused on environmental conservation.
Week 9: Interfaith Dialogue
Lesson: Emphasizing the importance of understanding and respecting other faiths.
Activity: Inviting a guest speaker for an interfaith dialogue session.
Week 10: Contemporary Issues in Islam
Lesson: Addressing current challenges and issues faced by Muslims globally.
Activity: Group presentations on contemporary Islamic topics.
Week 11: Revision Week
Reviewing key concepts, answering questions, and addressing any remaining doubts.
Week 12: Examination Week
Conducting examinations to assess students’ understanding of the topics covered.
Week 13: School Dismissal Week
Recap of the term’s learnings, sharing reflections, and preparing for the next academic term.