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SS3 Second Term Government Past Questions And Answers

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SS3 Second Term Government Past Questions And Answers


SSS 3 Second Term Government Questions with options and answers:


Question: What is the main purpose of the legislative oversight function?

A) Making laws

B) Executing laws

C) Monitoring and evaluating government actions

D) Adjudicating disputes

Answer: C) Monitoring and evaluating government actions


Question: In a parliamentary system, what action can the legislature take against the government through a vote?

A) Dissolve the government

B) Merge with the executive

C) Create a new constitution

D) Appoint a monarch

Answer: A) Dissolve the government


Question: What is the significance of the separation of powers in a democratic government?

A) Concentration of power in one branch

B) Elimination of the judiciary

C) Prevention of abuse of power and tyranny

D) Weakening of the executive branch

Answer: C) Prevention of abuse of power and tyranny


Question: Which international body serves as a forum for the resolution of disputes between nations?

A) United Nations

B) World Bank

C) International Monetary Fund

D) European Union

Answer: A) United Nations


Question: What is the term for a form of government where citizens participate directly in decision-making?

A) Autocracy

B) Oligarchy

C) Democracy

D) Plutocracy

Answer: C) Democracy


Question: What role does the judiciary play in protecting individual rights in a democratic society?

A) Enforcing censorship

B) Limiting constitutional rights

C) Upholding and interpreting the law

D) Promoting discrimination

Answer: C) Upholding and interpreting the law


Question: What is the primary function of the Chief Justice in a country’s judiciary?

A) Legislative oversight

B) Executive decision-making

C) Head of the legal profession

D) Presiding over the highest court

Answer: D) Presiding over the highest court


Question: Which principle ensures that government actions are in line with established laws and procedures?

A) Rule of force

B) Rule of law

C) Rule of exception

D) Rule of majority

Answer: B) Rule of law


Question: What is the purpose of an impeachment process in a presidential system?

A) Selecting a new president

B) Removing a sitting president for misconduct

C) Dissolving the legislature

D) Overturning judicial decisions

Answer: B) Removing a sitting president for misconduct


Question: What is the role of the civil service in government administration?


A) Making laws

B) Implementing government policies

C) Conducting elections

D) Appointing judges

Answer: B) Implementing government policies


Question: In a federal system, what powers are reserved for the state or regional governments?


A) Concurrent powers

B) Exclusive powers

C) Reserved powers

D) Delegated powers

Answer: C) Reserved powers


Question: What is the purpose of diplomatic immunity?


A) Avoiding taxes

B) Protecting diplomats from legal actions

C) Exercising legislative authority

D) Conducting military operations

Answer: B) Protecting diplomats from legal actions


Question: What is the primary function of a constitution in a state?


A) Facilitating dictatorship

B) Outlining government structure and powers

C) Promoting political parties

D) Controlling the media

Answer: B) Outlining government structure and powers


Question: What is the significance of the principle of popular sovereignty in democracy?


A) Concentration of power in the hands of a few

B) Government by divine right

C) Ultimate authority rests with the people

D) Rule by military forces

Answer: C) Ultimate authority rests with the people


Question: What is the purpose of a no-confidence vote in a parliamentary system?


A) Impeaching the president

B) Removing the prime minister and the cabinet

C) Dissolving the legislature

D) Confirming judicial appointments

Answer: B) Removing the prime minister and the cabinet


Question: What is the role of a constitution in protecting minority rights?


A) Suppressing minority voices

B) Ensuring equal representation for all

C) Concentrating power in the majority

D) Limiting minority participation

Answer: B) Ensuring equal representation for all


Question: What is the primary function of the United Nations Security Council?


A) Economic development

B) Humanitarian aid

C) Maintenance of international peace and security

D) Environmental protection

Answer: C) Maintenance of international peace and security


Question: Which document outlines the rights and freedoms of citizens in a democratic state?


A) Manifesto

B) Executive order

C) Bill of Rights

D) Treaty

Answer: C) Bill of Rights


Question: What is the purpose of a judicial review in a democratic system?


A) Passing new laws

B) Overruling executive orders

C) Evaluating the constitutionality of laws and actions

D) Conducting foreign affairs

Answer: C) Evaluating the constitutionality of laws and actions


Question: In a federal system, what is the relationship between the central and regional governments?


A) Total independence

B) Subordination of regional to central authority

C) Cooperation and shared powers

D) Centralization of all powers

Answer: C) Cooperation and shared powers.

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