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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 First Term Store Keeping Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 First Term Store Keeping Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Scheme of Work and Lesson Notes for SS3 First Term Store Keeping:


Scheme of Work: SS3 First Term Store Keeping

Week 1-2: Introduction to Store Keeping

Overview of store keeping principles

Importance of effective store management

Types of stores and their functions

Introduction to inventory control

Week 3-4: Store Layout and Design

Designing an efficient store layout

Proper shelving and arrangement of goods

Security measures in store design

Practical activities: Designing a mock store layout

Week 5-6: Stock Control

Techniques for stock control

Inventory recording and documentation

FIFO (First In, First Out) and LIFO (Last In, First Out) methods

Physical stock counting exercise

Week 7-8: Purchasing and Procurement

Procurement procedures

Vendor selection and evaluation

Purchase orders and requisitions

Practical activity: Creating a sample purchase order

Week 9-10: Handling Perishable Goods

Special considerations for perishable items

Storage conditions for perishables

Shelf life management

Field trip to observe perishable goods storage

Week 11: Revision Week

Review of all topics covered

Practice quizzes and group discussions

Clarification of doubts and questions

Week 12: Examination Week

Formal written examination covering all topics

Practical assessment on store management skills

Evaluation and feedback session

Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Recap of the term’s learnings

Distribution of certificates and commendations

Closing remarks and encouragement for continuous learning

End-of-term celebration and farewell

Lesson Notes: SS3 First Term Store Keeping (Weeks 1-10)

Week 1-2: Introduction to Store Keeping

Define store keeping and its significance

Discuss different types of stores and their purposes

Introduce basic inventory control techniques

Activities: Group discussions on store management principles

Week 3-4: Store Layout and Design

Explain the importance of an efficient store layout

Demonstrate proper shelving and arrangement techniques

Discuss security measures in store design

Activities: Design a store layout, role-play security scenarios

Week 5-6: Stock Control

Teach stock control methods (FIFO, LIFO)

Practice physical stock counting

Discuss inventory recording and documentation

Activities: Hands-on stock control exercises

Week 7-8: Purchasing and Procurement

Explain procurement procedures

Discuss vendor selection and evaluation

Create sample purchase orders

Activities: Role-play procurement scenarios

Week 9-10: Handling Perishable Goods

Discuss considerations for perishable items

Explore proper storage conditions for perishables

Conduct a field trip to observe perishable goods storage

Activities: Group discussions on field trip observations

This plan aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of store keeping principles, practical skills, and real-world applications throughout the first term of SS3. Adjustments can be made based on the pace of the class and specific learning needs.

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