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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS2 Third Term Visual Arts Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS2 Third Term Visual Arts Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS2 Third Term Visual Arts Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1-2: Introduction to Mixed Media Art


Day 1-3: Definition and exploration of mixed media art.

Day 4-5: Experimentation with combining various materials in artwork.

Activity: Begin a class project incorporating different media.

Week 3-4: Environmental Art


Day 1-3: Understanding environmental art and its impact.

Day 4-5: Creating art installations using natural materials.

Activity: Outdoor exhibition of environmental art installations.

Week 5-6: Cultural Art Integration


Day 1-3: Exploring art from different cultures around the world.

Day 4-5: Incorporating cultural elements into personal projects.

Activity: Class cultural art fair – students present and discuss their culturally inspired artworks.

Week 7-8: Art and Social Issues


Day 1-3: Discussing the role of art in addressing social issues.

Day 4-5: Creating artworks with a focus on social commentary.

Activity: Organize a class exhibition on art and social issues.

Week 9-10: Public Art Projects


Day 1-3: Introduction to public art and its impact on communities.

Day 4-5: Planning and executing a public art project.

Activity: Community showcase of the completed public art project.

Week 11: Revision Week


Day 1-3: Comprehensive review of mixed media art, environmental art, cultural art integration, art and social issues, and public art projects.

Day 4-5: Group discussions, peer evaluations, and interactive quizzes.

Activity: Reflective journal entries on personal growth throughout the year.

Week 12: Examination Week


Day 1-2: Final preparations for written and practical exams.

Day 3-5: Conducting end-of-term assessments.

Activity: Culminating art exhibition showcasing the best works from the entire academic year.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Day 1-3: Farewell activities, acknowledging achievements and challenges.

Day 4-5: Award ceremony for outstanding performances in visual arts.

Activity: Collaborative art installation as a symbolic farewell project.

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