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SS2 Third Term English Language Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 Third Term English Language Past Questions And Answers


SS2 third term English Language questions with options and answers:


Question: Identify the correct form of the verb: “She _____ to the concert last night.”


a) Go

b) Goes

c) Going

d) Went


Answer: d) Went


Question: Choose the synonym for “Adequate”:


a) Insufficient

b) Abundant

c) Suitable

d) Limited


Answer: c) Suitable


Question: What is the meaning of the term “Epiphany”?


a) A sudden realization or understanding

b) A type of poem

c) A form of comedy

d) A mythological creature


Answer: a) A sudden realization or understanding


Question: Identify the adjective in the sentence: “The loud, booming thunder scared the children.”


a) Loud

b) Booming

c) Thunder

d) Children


Answer: a) Loud


Question: What is the plural form of “Thesis”?


a) Theses

b) Thesis

c) Thesises

d) Thesi


Answer: a) Theses


Question: Choose the correct preposition: “She is allergic _____ pollen.”


a) on

b) at

c) with

d) to


Answer: d) to


Question: Identify the rhyme scheme in the following lines: “AABB CCDD EEFF GG”







Answer: a) AABB


Question: What is the meaning of the term “Connotation”?


a) The literal meaning of a word

b) An emotional or cultural association with a word

c) A type of sentence structure

d) The opposite of denotation


Answer: b) An emotional or cultural association with a word


Question: Select the correct spelling:


a) Occured

b) Occurred

c) Occuring

d) Occurrred


Answer: b) Occurred


Question: In the sentence “The sun sets in the west,” what is the predicate?


a) The

b) Sun

c) Sets

d) West


Answer: c) Sets


Question: Choose the correct form of “You are”:


a) Your

b) You’re

c) Yours

d) Youre


Answer: b) You’re


Question: What is the meaning of the term “Foreshadowing”?


a) A hint or indication of future events in a story

b) A type of poem

c) A sudden realization

d) A form of irony


Answer: a) A hint or indication of future events in a story


Question: Identify the adverb in the sentence: “He ran quickly to catch the bus.”


a) He

b) Ran

c) Quickly

d) Bus


Answer: c) Quickly


Question: What is the superlative form of “Fast”?


a) Faster

b) Fastest

c) More fast

d) Fastier


Answer: b) Fastest


Question: Choose the correct conjunction: “I will study hard, _____ I want to pass the exam.”


a) But

b) And

c) Or

d) Because


Answer: d) Because


Question: Identify the author of the poem “The Raven”:


a) Emily Dickinson

b) Robert Frost

c) Edgar Allan Poe

d) Langston Hughes


Answer: c) Edgar Allan Poe


Question: What is the meaning of the idiom “Cost an arm and a leg”?


a) To lose a limb in an accident

b) To be very expensive

c) To give up something valuable

d) To be physically strong


Answer: b) To be very expensive


Question: Which sentence is in the present perfect continuous tense?


a) She danced at the party.

b) She has danced at the party.

c) She is dancing at the party.

d) She has been dancing at the party.


Answer: d) She has been dancing at the party.


Question: What is the plural of “Alumnus”?


a) Alumni

b) Alumnae

c) Alumnuses

d) Alumna


Answer: a) Alumni


Question: Choose the correct sentence:


a) The team are playing well.

b) The team is playing well.

c) The team am playing well.

d) The team be playing well.


Answer: b) The team is playing well.


Question: Identify the interjection in the sentence: “Oh no, I forgot my keys!”


a) Oh

b) No

c) I

d) Keys


Answer: a) Oh


Question: What is the meaning of the term “Hubris”?


a) Excessive pride or arrogance

b) A type of dance

c) A form of comedy

d) A mythical creature


Answer: a) Excessive pride or arrogance.

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