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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS2 Second Term Salesmanship Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS2 Second Term Salesmanship Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS2 Second Term Salesmanship Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Review of First Term Concepts


Lesson Note: Recap key concepts from the first term, ensuring a solid foundation for the new term.

Activities: Group discussions, reflection on first term learnings.

Week 2: Advanced Sales Techniques


Lesson Note: Introduce more advanced sales techniques such as cross-selling and upselling.

Activities: Role-playing scenarios, case studies on successful upselling strategies.

Week 3: Digital Sales and E-Commerce


Lesson Note: Explore the impact of digital platforms on sales and introduce e-commerce concepts.

Activities: Research on e-commerce trends, group discussions on the role of social media in sales.

Week 4: Sales Analytics and Metrics


Lesson Note: Teach students how to use analytics and metrics to measure and improve sales performance.

Activities: Analyzing sales data, creating reports, and discussing ways to enhance results.

Week 5: Negotiation Skills


Lesson Note: Focus on honing negotiation skills essential for successful sales transactions.

Activities: Simulated negotiation scenarios, peer evaluation, and feedback sessions.

Week 6: Sales Presentation Skills


Lesson Note: Emphasize the importance of effective sales presentations and how to create compelling pitches.

Activities: Individual and group presentations, peer critiques.

Week 7: Sales Team Collaboration


Lesson Note: Discuss the dynamics of sales teams and how collaboration contributes to success.

Activities: Group projects, team-building exercises, and discussions on effective teamwork.

Week 8: Handling Difficult Customers


Lesson Note: Guide students on handling challenging customer situations with empathy and professionalism.

Activities: Role-playing challenging customer scenarios, group discussions on best practices.

Week 9: International Sales and Global Markets


Lesson Note: Explore the complexities of international sales and the nuances of global markets.

Activities: Research on international sales strategies, case studies on successful global expansion.

Week 10: Sales Leadership and Management


Lesson Note: Introduce principles of sales leadership and how to effectively manage a sales team.

Activities: Group projects on developing a sales team management plan, discussions on leadership qualities.

Week 11: Revision Week


Lesson Note: Review key concepts, address any lingering questions, and reinforce learning.

Activities: Group discussions, review quizzes, and practice exams.

Week 12: Examination Week


Lesson Note: Administer examinations covering all topics taught during the term.

Activities: Conduct written and practical examinations.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Lesson Note: Recap the term’s learnings, provide feedback, and discuss expectations for the next term.

Activities: Reflection sessions, goal-setting for the next term, and farewell activities.

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