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SS2 Second Term Fishery Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 Second Term Fishery Past Questions And Answers


20 SS2 Second Term Fishery questions with options and answers:


Question: What is the term for the practice of cultivating aquatic plants for human use?


a) Algaculture

b) Hydroponics

c) Pisciculture

d) Mariculture

Answer: a) Algaculture

Question: Which fish farming method involves raising fish in artificial containers or tanks?


a) Pond culture

b) Tank culture

c) Cage culture

d) Raceway culture

Answer: b) Tank culture

Question: What is the primary factor influencing the selection of a suitable site for fish farming?


a) Proximity to market

b) Availability of electricity

c) Water quality

d) Soil fertility

Answer: c) Water quality

Question: Which of the following is a common freshwater fish parasite that attaches to the gills of fish?


a) Ichthyophthirius

b) Gyrodactylus

c) Monogenea

d) Trichodina

Answer: b) Gyrodactylus

Question: What is the recommended temperature range for most warm-water fish species in aquaculture?


a) 5-10°C

b) 15-25°C

c) 30-35°C

d) 40-45°C

Answer: b) 15-25°C

Question: Which fishing gear is characterized by a cone-shaped net with a long handle, often used for shallow water fishing?


a) Trawl net

b) Cast net

c) Gill net

d) Seine net

Answer: b) Cast net

Question: What is the term for the removal of excess fish population to maintain a balanced ecosystem in an aquaculture system?


a) Harvesting

b) Culling

c) Grading

d) Sorting

Answer: b) Culling

Question: In aquaculture, what is the process of providing fish with a controlled environment to stimulate reproduction called?


a) Spawning

b) Induction

c) Incubation

d) Hatchery management

Answer: b) Induction

Question: What is the purpose of a settling pond in fish farming?


a) Filtration of water

b) Oxygenation

c) Removal of suspended solids

d) Temperature control

Answer: c) Removal of suspended solids

Question: Which vitamin is essential for the prevention of diseases and proper immune function in fish?


a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin D

c) Vitamin E

d) Vitamin C

Answer: d) Vitamin C

Question: What is the term for the protective response of fish to stress, such as crowding or handling?

a) Adaptation

b) Acclimatization

c) Panic response

d) Fight-or-flight

Answer: b) Acclimatization

Question: Which of the following is a common method for preserving fish?

a) Freeze-drying

b) Pickling

c) Dehydration

d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

Question: What is the purpose of a fish grading machine in a hatchery?

a) Separating fish by species

b) Sorting by size

c) Determining gender

d) Vaccination

Answer: b) Sorting by size

Question: Which type of aquaculture system uses natural or artificial wetlands to treat and purify water?

a) Recirculating aquaculture system (RAS)

b) Integrated aquaculture

c) Constructed wetland system

d) Open pond system

Answer: c) Constructed wetland system

Question: What is the term for the practice of raising fish and crops together in a symbiotic environment?

a) Polyculture

b) Monoculture

c) Aquaponics

d) Hydroponics

Answer: c) Aquaponics

Question: Which factor is crucial for the successful transportation of live fish?

a) Low oxygen levels

b) High ammonia concentration

c) Rapid water flow

d) Adequate oxygen supply

Answer: d) Adequate oxygen supply

Question: What is the primary purpose of a fishery extension service?

a) Promoting overfishing

b) Providing information and support to fish farmers

c) Ignoring sustainable practices

d) Contaminating water bodies

Answer: b) Providing information and support to fish farmers

Question: Which term refers to the process of converting fish waste into valuable nutrients for plant growth in aquaponics?

a) Filtration

b) Nitrification

c) Denitrification

d) Mineralization

Answer: b) Nitrification

Question: What is the common name for the method of fish harvesting using electricity to stun the fish temporarily?

a) Electrofishing

b) Trawling

c) Seining

d) Gillnetting

Answer: a) Electrofishing

Question: In fish farming, what is the process of removing undesirable fish from the population to improve overall quality called?

a) Purging

b) Culling

c) Grading

d) Induction

Answer: c) Grading.

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