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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS2 Second Term Economics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS2 Second Term Economics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Introduction to Macroeconomics

Lesson Note: Begin the second term by introducing macroeconomic concepts, such as aggregate demand and supply, inflation, and unemployment. Emphasize the interconnectedness of macroeconomic variables.

Activities: Discuss recent economic trends and their impact on the national economy.


Week 2: Fiscal Policy

Lesson Note: Explore fiscal policy tools, including government spending and taxation. Discuss how fiscal policy can be used to stabilize the economy.

Activities: Simulate a scenario where students propose fiscal policies to address economic challenges.


Week 3: Monetary Policy

Lesson Note: Examine the role of central banks in implementing monetary policy. Discuss interest rates, money supply, and their impact on the economy.

Activities: Analyze historical cases of successful and unsuccessful monetary policy.


Week 4: International Trade

Lesson Note: Introduce the principles of international trade, balance of payments, and exchange rates. Discuss the benefits and challenges of globalization.

Activities: Conduct a model United Nations session on global economic issues.


Week 5: Economic Development

Lesson Note: Explore factors influencing economic development, including human capital, technology, and infrastructure. Discuss strategies for sustainable development.

Activities: Assign projects on analyzing the economic development of a specific country.


Week 6: Economic Systems

Lesson Note: Compare different economic systems, including capitalism, socialism, and mixed economies. Discuss their strengths and weaknesses.

Activities: Organize a class debate on the merits of different economic systems.


Week 7: Public Finance

Lesson Note: Examine public finance, government budgets, and the role of taxation. Discuss how public spending impacts economic growth and development.

Activities: Analyze a national budget and propose adjustments for economic improvement.


Week 8: Environmental Economics

Lesson Note: Introduce the principles of environmental economics, addressing the relationship between economic activities and the environment. Discuss sustainable practices.

Activities: Conduct a project on assessing the environmental impact of a specific industry.


Week 9: Global Economic Issues

Lesson Note: Discuss current global economic challenges, such as climate change, income inequality, and trade disputes. Explore potential solutions.

Activities: Organize a panel discussion on global economic issues with guest speakers.


Week 10: Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Lesson Note: Explore the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in economic development. Discuss how creative thinking can drive economic growth.

Activities: Invite local entrepreneurs to share their experiences and insights.


Week 11: Revision Week

Lesson Note: Review key macroeconomic concepts and address any remaining questions. Conduct practice exams to prepare students for the upcoming examination.

Activities: Group study sessions, review quizzes, and interactive revision games.


Week 12: Examination Week

Lesson Note: Administer the final examination, covering all macroeconomic topics studied during the second term.

Activities: Ensure a controlled environment for the examination.


Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Lesson Note: Summarize the term’s macroeconomic learnings, celebrate achievements, and provide guidance for continued exploration of economic concepts during the break.

Activities: Reflect on the term, distribute report cards, and set expectations for the upcoming academic year.

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