SS2 Second Term Commerce Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
Week 1: Money and Banking (Continuation)
Recap of first term’s money and banking concepts.
Role-playing banking transactions.
Introduction to financial literacy.
Week 2: E-Commerce
Understanding electronic commerce.
Advantages and challenges of e-commerce.
Exploring online marketplaces.
Activity: Creating a virtual store for a chosen product.
Week 3: International Trade
Globalization and its impact on trade.
Trade agreements and organizations.
Currency exchange and forex markets.
Activity: Simulated international trade negotiation.
Week 4: Business Ethics
Importance of ethics in business.
Ethical decision-making.
Case studies on ethical and unethical business practices.
Activity: Debates on ethical dilemmas in commerce.
Week 5: Entrepreneurship
Introduction to entrepreneurship.
Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.
Steps in starting a business.
Activity: Developing a business idea and presenting it.
Week 6: Stock Exchange and Capital Market
Basics of stock markets.
Role of stock exchanges in the economy.
Investment opportunities and risks.
Activity: Simulated stock trading game.
Week 7: Public and Private Enterprises
Understanding the public and private sectors.
Role of government in business.
Public-private partnerships.
Activity: Research and presentation on a government initiative.
Week 8: Taxation
Types of taxes and their purpose.
Understanding the tax system.
Importance of paying taxes.
Activity: Simulated tax calculation for individuals and businesses.
Week 9: Social Responsibility of Business
Corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Environmental and social initiatives by businesses.
Evaluating the impact of businesses on communities.
Activity: Creating a CSR project proposal.
Week 10: Advertising and Sales Promotion
Role of advertising in business.
Types of advertising.
Sales promotion techniques.
Activity: Creating an advertising campaign for a product.
Week 11: Revision Week
Reviewing key concepts and topics covered.
Q&A sessions.
Practice tests and quizzes.
Week 12: Examination Week
Conducting written and practical examinations.
Week 13: School Dismissal Week
Recap of the academic term.
Providing feedback on examinations.
Distributing progress reports.
Activity: Celebratory class event or outing.