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SS2 First Term HPE Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 First Term HPE Past Questions And Answers


Here they are;

Question: What is the primary purpose of warming up before physical activities?


a) To increase flexibility

b) To decrease heart rate

c) To limit energy expenditure

d) To improve endurance


Answer: a) To increase flexibility


Question: Which component of fitness is targeted during cardiovascular exercises?


a) Muscular strength

b) Flexibility

c) Cardiovascular endurance

d) Body composition


Answer: c) Cardiovascular endurance


Question: In team sports, what does the acronym “HPE” stand for?


a) High Performance Exercise

b) Health and Physical Education

c) Human Performance Enhancement

d) Home Physical Environment


Answer: b) Health and Physical Education


Question: During a proper cool-down, what is important to help prevent muscle soreness?


a) Hydrating with cold water

b) Static stretching

c) High-intensity exercises

d) Skipping the cool-down altogether


Answer: b) Static stretching


Question: Which of the following activities primarily improves muscular strength?


a) Jogging

b) Weightlifting

c) Yoga

d) Cycling


Answer: b) Weightlifting


Question: What is the recommended duration for moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week?


a) 30 minutes

b) 60 minutes

c) 90 minutes

d) 120 minutes


Answer: b) 60 minutes


Question: Which of the following is a benefit of regular physical activity on mental health?


a) Increased stress levels

b) Improved concentration

c) Reduced sleep quality

d) Decreased mood elevation


Answer: b) Improved concentration


Question: What is the purpose of a warm-up in the context of physical education?


a) To fatigue muscles

b) To prepare the body for exercise

c) To induce rapid weight loss

d) To measure flexibility


Answer: b) To prepare the body for exercise


Question: Which muscle group is primarily targeted during abdominal exercises?


a) Quadriceps

b) Hamstrings

c) Abdominals

d) Deltoids


Answer: c) Abdominals


Question: What does BMI stand for in the context of assessing body composition?


a) Body Mass Index

b) Balanced Muscle Intensity

c) Basal Metabolic Indicator

d) Body Measurement Index


Answer: a) Body Mass Index


Question: Which of the following is a dynamic stretching exercise?


a) Toe touch stretch

b) Shoulder stretch

c) Walking lunges

d) Seated forward bend


Answer: c) Walking lunges


Question: What is the purpose of the FITT principle in designing a fitness program?


a) To calculate body mass

b) To assess flexibility

c) To determine exercise intensity, frequency, duration, and type

d) To estimate daily calorie intake


Answer: c) To determine exercise intensity, frequency, duration, and type


Question: In which of the following activities does anaerobic metabolism play a significant role?


a) Marathon running

b) Swimming

c) Sprinting

d) Cycling at a moderate pace


Answer: c) Sprinting


Question: What is the recommended rest period between sets during strength training?


a) 10 seconds

b) 30 seconds

c) 60 seconds

d) 120 seconds


Answer: c) 60 seconds


Question: Which factor is crucial for preventing dehydration during physical activity?


a) Consuming caffeinated beverages

b) Ignoring fluid intake

c) Listening to thirst cues

d) Waiting until feeling extremely thirsty


Answer: c) Listening to thirst cues


Question: What is the role of carbohydrates in the diet of an athlete?


a) Promoting muscle growth

b) Providing quick energy

c) Enhancing bone density

d) Aiding in fat metabolism


Answer: b) Providing quick energy


Question: Which of the following is an example of a flexibility exercise?


a) Bench press

b) Tricep dips

c) Leg curls

d) Shoulder stretches


Answer: d) Shoulder stretches


Question: What is the purpose of the cool-down phase after physical activity?


a) To celebrate completion of the workout

b) To gradually decrease heart rate and prevent blood pooling

c) To perform high-intensity exercises

d) To test endurance levels


Answer: b) To gradually decrease heart rate and prevent blood pooling


Question: What is the minimum recommended frequency of strength training sessions per week?


a) Once a week

b) Twice a week

c) Three times a week

d) Four times a week


Answer: b) Twice a week


Question: In a fitness program, what does the term “progressive overload” refer to?


a) Consistently using the same weight

b) Gradually increasing exercise intensity to promote adaptations

c) Avoiding any form of resistance training

d) Exercising at a constant pace


Answer: b) Gradually increasing exercise intensity to promote adaptations.

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