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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS2 First Term Garment Making Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS2 First Term Garment Making Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Introduction to Garment Making


Overview of the course and its relevance.

Introduction to basic sewing tools and their uses.

Demonstration of essential hand stitches.

Week 2: Understanding Fabrics


Types of fabrics and their characteristics.

Fabric selection for different garments.

Hands-on fabric identification exercises.

Week 3: Basic Sewing Machine Operations


Introduction to sewing machines.

Explanation of machine parts and functions.

Practice on threading and basic stitching.

Week 4: Garment Construction Techniques


Understanding garment patterns.

Cutting fabric pieces for a simple project.

Basic garment assembly using hand and machine stitching.

Week 5: Introduction to Garment Embellishment


Adding decorative elements to garments.

Practice on embroidery stitches.

Personalizing simple garments.

Week 6: Constructing a Simple Skirt


Pattern making for a basic skirt.

Cutting and sewing a simple skirt.

Finishing techniques for a polished look.

Week 7: Constructing a Basic Top


Introduction to top patterns.

Cutting and assembling a basic top.

Learning to fit and adjust patterns.

Week 8: Garment Fit and Alterations


Understanding garment fit.

Techniques for altering garments.

Hands-on practice with alterations.

Week 9: Constructing a Dress


Pattern making for a simple dress.

Cutting and sewing a dress.

Emphasizing details like zippers and closures.

Week 10: Garment Finishing Techniques


Adding final touches to garments.

Learning about hems, facings, and linings.

Reviewing and improving sewing skills.

Week 11: Revision Week


Reviewing key concepts and techniques.

Addressing any challenges or questions.

Practice sewing exercises for reinforcement.

Week 12: Examination Week


Written and practical examinations.

Evaluation of individual sewing projects.

Feedback and discussion on exam performance.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Recap of the entire term.

Showcasing completed garments.

Distribution of certificates and feedback.

Farewell and encouragement for further sewing exploration.

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