SS1 Third Term Visual Arts Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
Week 1-3: Mixed Media Art
Lesson Note: Explore the combination of various art materials in creating mixed media artworks.
Scheme of Work: Engage students in projects that involve the use of different mediums such as paint, collage, and found objects. Encourage experimentation and self-expression.
Week 4-6: Cultural Art and Traditional Crafts
Lesson Note: Dive into cultural art forms and traditional crafts, highlighting the importance of preserving artistic heritage.
Scheme of Work: Assign projects that involve creating art inspired by local cultures or traditional crafts. Foster an appreciation for diverse artistic traditions.
Week 7-9: Environmental Art
Lesson Note: Discuss the intersection of art and the environment, emphasizing eco-friendly materials and sustainable practices.
Scheme of Work: Organize outdoor sessions for creating art in nature. Projects may include land art, recycled art, or installations inspired by the environment.
Week 10: Public Art and Murals
Lesson Note: Introduce the concept of public art and murals, discussing their impact on communities.
Scheme of Work: Collaborative projects involving the creation of murals or public art installations within the school premises. Emphasize teamwork and community engagement.
Week 11: Revision Week
Lesson Note: Review key concepts and techniques covered in the third term, addressing any lingering questions or uncertainties.
Scheme of Work: Conduct practical revision exercises, encouraging students to revisit and refine their skills. Facilitate peer critiques for constructive feedback.
Week 12: Examination Week
Lesson Note: Provide final guidance and support for the upcoming examination, ensuring students are well-prepared.
Scheme of Work: Administer practice exams, allowing students to practice time management and demonstrate their mastery of the term’s content.
Week 13: School Dismissal Week
Lesson Note: Celebrate the culmination of the academic year, reflecting on students’ growth and achievements in visual arts.
Scheme of Work: Organize an end-of-year art exhibition, showcasing the best works from all three terms. Recognize and reward outstanding contributions.