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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Third Term Photography Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Third Term Photography Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Introduction to Specialized Photography Genres

Welcome to the third term of photography class! This term, we’ll explore specialized photography genres and techniques. In this first week, students will be introduced to various specialized genres such as wildlife photography, sports photography, fashion photography, and architectural photography. Activities include presentations on each genre, discussions on their characteristics and technical requirements, and a brainstorming session to choose a genre of interest for further exploration.


Week 2: Wildlife Photography

This week, students will dive into the captivating world of wildlife photography. They will learn about wildlife behavior, habitat considerations, and techniques for capturing compelling wildlife images. Activities include a visit to a local zoo or wildlife sanctuary for practical wildlife photography sessions, guided by a professional wildlife photographer if possible.


Week 3: Sports Photography

Sports photography requires quick reflexes, anticipation, and the ability to capture decisive moments. This week, students will learn about the unique challenges and techniques of sports photography, including tracking fast-moving subjects and capturing dynamic action shots. Activities include attending local sporting events to practice sports photography techniques and mastering techniques like panning and freezing action.


Week 4: Fashion Photography

Fashion photography is all about capturing style, glamour, and personality. This week, students will explore the world of fashion photography, including fashion trends, styling, and posing techniques. Activities include collaborating with models and stylists to create fashion photo shoots, focusing on composition, lighting, and conveying mood and emotion through imagery.


Week 5: Architectural Photography

Architectural photography celebrates the beauty and design of buildings and structures. This week, students will learn about architectural photography principles, including perspective control, composition, and lighting. Activities include field trips to photograph architectural landmarks, focusing on capturing unique angles and details to showcase the beauty of architecture.


Week 6: Travel Photography

Travel photography allows us to document our adventures and experiences in new places. This week, students will learn about travel photography essentials, including storytelling through images, capturing local culture, and practical tips for traveling with photography gear. Activities include planning and executing a travel photography excursion to a nearby destination, focusing on capturing the essence and atmosphere of the place.


Week 7: Documentary Photography

Building upon the documentary photography concepts introduced in the second term, this week focuses on applying documentary photography techniques to specific projects or social issues. Students will learn about photo essays, storytelling through images, and ethical considerations in documentary photography. Activities include planning and executing a documentary photography project on a chosen theme or social issue.


Week 8: Experimental Photography Techniques

This week encourages students to push the boundaries of traditional photography and experiment with unconventional techniques and processes. Topics may include light painting, photomontage, alternative printing methods, and mixed media approaches. Activities include hands-on experimentation with experimental techniques and creating experimental photography projects.


Week 9: Portfolio Development

As students approach the end of the term, this week is dedicated to portfolio development. Students will curate their best photographs from the term, focusing on their chosen specialized genre(s) and experimental projects. Activities include portfolio reviews, feedback sessions, and guidance on presenting a cohesive and compelling portfolio.


Week 10: Advanced Editing and Post-Processing

Post-processing plays a crucial role in refining and enhancing photographs. This week, students will delve into advanced editing techniques using software like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom. Topics may include advanced retouching, creative editing techniques, and preparing images for print or digital display. Activities include hands-on editing sessions and tutorials on advanced editing tools and techniques.


Week 11: Revision Week

Similar to previous terms, this week is dedicated to reviewing key concepts covered throughout the term, especially focusing on the specialized genres and techniques introduced in the third term. Students will participate in review quizzes, group discussions, and hands-on activities to reinforce their understanding of specialized photography genres.


Week 12: Examination Week

In this week, students will demonstrate their mastery of specialized photography genres and techniques through a written examination and a practical photography assignment. The written examination will cover theoretical knowledge of specialized genres, while the practical assignment will assess students’ ability to apply specialized techniques to create compelling photographs within their chosen genre.


Week 13: School Dismissal Week

As the third term comes to a close, students will wrap up any remaining assignments and projects. They will also have the opportunity to showcase their best photographs from the term in a class exhibition, focusing on their specialized genre(s) and experimental projects. Additionally, there will be time for reflection on their growth as photographers and celebrating their achievements throughout the term.

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