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SS1 Third Term HPE Past Questions And Answers

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SS1 Third Term HPE Past Questions And Answers


Here are 20 SS1 (Senior Secondary School 1) third term Health and Physical Education (HPE) questions with options and answers:


Question: What is the importance of a cooldown after an intense physical activity session?


A) Increase heart rate

B) Prevent muscle soreness

C) Decrease flexibility

D) Improve reaction time

Answer: B) Prevent muscle soreness


Question: In which sport would you commonly find a half-court violation?


A) Basketball

B) Soccer

C) Volleyball

D) Tennis

Answer: A) Basketball


Question: What is the primary function of the hamstring muscles?


A) Flex the knee

B) Extend the knee

C) Rotate the hip

D) Bend the hip

Answer: A) Flex the knee


Question: What is the correct technique for a proper plank exercise?


A) Arch the back

B) Lift the hips high

C) Keep a straight line from head to heels

D) Bend the elbows

Answer: C) Keep a straight line from head to heels


Question: Which component of fitness is related to the ability to move joints through their full range of motion?


A) Flexibility

B) Cardiovascular endurance

C) Muscular strength

D) Agility

Answer: A) Flexibility


Question: What is the purpose of a first aid kit during physical activities?


A) Enhance fashion

B) Treat injuries promptly

C) Improve coordination

D) Increase discomfort

Answer: B) Treat injuries promptly


Question: Which of the following is a benefit of regular strength training exercises?


A) Decreased bone density

B) Improved muscle mass and strength

C) Reduced cardiovascular health

D) Enhanced flexibility

Answer: B) Improved muscle mass and strength


Question: What is the role of vitamin D in bone health?


A) Decrease calcium absorption

B) Promote bone strength

C) Cause muscle cramps

D) Reduce joint flexibility

Answer: B) Promote bone strength


Question: In a game of soccer, what is the purpose of the goalkeeper?


A) Score goals

B) Defend the goal

C) Take penalty kicks

D) Officiate the match

Answer: B) Defend the goal


Question: Which of the following is a key principle of good nutrition for athletes?


A) Avoid water consumption

B) Rely solely on supplements

C) Consume a balanced diet with a variety of nutrients

D) Skip meals to reduce weight

Answer: C) Consume a balanced diet with a variety of nutrients


Question: What is the purpose of a warm-up before engaging in physical activities?


A) Decrease heart rate

B) Increase flexibility

C) Reduce coordination

D) Impair muscular strength

Answer: B) Increase flexibility


Question: Which type of exercise is beneficial for improving muscular endurance?


A) Weightlifting

B) Sprinting

C) High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

D) Cycling

Answer: C) High-intensity interval training (HIIT)


Question: What is the importance of proper body mechanics during weightlifting?


A) Increase the risk of injury

B) Enhance flexibility

C) Improve posture and reduce injury risk

D) Decrease muscle strength

Answer: C) Improve posture and reduce injury risk


Question: Which sport involves throwing a discus?


A) Javelin

B) Shot put

C) Discus throw

D) Hammer throw

Answer: C) Discus throw


Question: How does hydration impact athletic performance?


A) Decreases endurance

B) Impairs coordination

C) Improves energy levels and performance

D) Reduces flexibility

Answer: C) Improves energy levels and performance


Question: What is the primary role of the deltoid muscles in the shoulder?


A) Flex the shoulder

B) Extend the shoulder

C) Rotate the shoulder

D) Lift the arm sideways

Answer: D) Lift the arm sideways


Question: In a game of volleyball, how many players are typically on the court for each team?


A) 4

B) 5

C) 6

D) 7

Answer: C) 6


Question: What is the correct technique for a proper sit-up exercise?


A) Use momentum to sit up

B) Keep the feet anchored

C) Round the back during the movement

D) Hold the breath

Answer: B) Keep the feet anchored


Question: Which of the following is a benefit of incorporating variety into a fitness routine?


A) Decreased motivation

B) Increased risk of injury

C) Enhanced overall fitness and prevent plateaus

D) Reduced flexibility

Answer: C) Enhanced overall fitness and prevent plateaus


Question: What is the purpose of interval training in cardiovascular workouts?


A) Maintain a constant heart rate

B) Increase flexibility

C) Alternate between high-intensity and recovery periods

D) Decrease endurance

Answer: C) Alternate between high-intensity and recovery periods.

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