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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Third Term Economics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Third Term Economics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS1 Third Term Economics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work:


Week 1: Poverty and Income Distribution

Lesson Note: Causes of poverty, measuring poverty, strategies for poverty alleviation.

Activities: Group discussions on income inequality, case studies on successful poverty reduction initiatives.

Week 2: Economic Crises

Lesson Note: Types of economic crises, their causes, and consequences.

Activities: Analysis of historical economic crises, class discussions on preventive measures.

Week 3: Public Finance

Lesson Note: Government revenue sources, budgeting, and public expenditure.

Activities: Simulation of a government budgeting process, group presentations on fiscal responsibility.

Week 4: Consumer Behavior

Lesson Note: Factors influencing consumer behavior, utility, and consumer equilibrium.

Activities: Role-play scenarios on consumer decision-making, class discussions on advertising’s impact.

Week 5: Producer Behavior

Lesson Note: Production function, profit maximization, and cost minimization.

Activities: Group projects on analyzing production processes, discussions on sustainable production.

Week 6: Economic Policies

Lesson Note: Monetary and fiscal policies, their coordination and impact.

Activities: Case studies on countries implementing effective economic policies, group discussions.

Week 7: Entrepreneurship

Lesson Note: Role of entrepreneurship in economic development, characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.

Activities: Guest speaker session with a successful entrepreneur, group projects on business plans.

Week 8: Economic Reforms

Lesson Note: Historical and recent economic reforms, their impact.

Activities: Research and presentations on the success/failure of specific economic reforms.

Week 9: Global Economic Issues

Lesson Note: Contemporary global economic challenges, climate change, and international cooperation.

Activities: Model United Nations-style debate on global economic issues, group discussions.

Week 10: Technology and Economic Development

Lesson Note: The role of technology in economic growth, challenges and opportunities.

Activities: Class discussions on the impact of technological advancements on various industries.

Week 11: Revision Week

Lesson Note: Comprehensive review of all topics covered.

Activities: Practice tests, group discussions, and Q&A sessions.

Week 12: Examination Week

Lesson Note: Final examination covering all topics.

Activities: Conducting and invigilating examinations.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Lesson Note: Recap of the term, feedback session.

Activities: Reflection on the term, setting goals for the next academic year, and farewell.

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