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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Third Term Clothing and Textile Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Third Term Clothing and Textile Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Scheme of Work: SS1 Third Term Clothing and Textile


Week 1-3: Fashion Marketing and Merchandising


Objectives: Introducing students to the principles of fashion marketing, branding, and merchandising.

Activities: Classroom discussions on fashion business, case studies on successful fashion brands, and group projects to create a mock fashion marketing campaign.

Week 4-6: Sustainable Fashion


Objectives: Exploring the importance of sustainability in the fashion industry, including eco-friendly materials and ethical practices.

Activities: Research projects on sustainable fashion practices, discussions on the environmental impact of the textile industry, and design projects using sustainable materials.

Week 7-9: Fashion History and Cultural Influences


Objectives: Understanding the historical evolution of fashion and how culture influences design.

Activities: Classroom lectures on fashion history, research projects on specific fashion eras, and discussions on the impact of culture on fashion trends.

Week 10: Textile Innovations and Future Trends


Objectives: Exploring the latest innovations in textiles and predicting future trends in the fashion industry.

Activities: Presentations on textile innovations, guest lectures from industry professionals, and group discussions on emerging fashion trends.

Week 11: Revision Week


Objectives: Reviewing key concepts and skills covered in the term.

Activities: Group discussions, practice tests, and hands-on review of fashion marketing strategies and cultural influences on fashion.

Week 12: Examination Week


Objectives: Evaluating students’ understanding of the third term’s content.

Activities: Written and practical examinations, assessing theoretical knowledge and application of marketing and sustainable fashion concepts.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Objectives: Wrapping up the academic session, reflecting on the year’s achievements, and preparing students for the next class.

Activities: Distribution of academic reports, farewell activities, and a brief overview of what to expect in the next academic session.

Note: Teachers are encouraged to adapt and modify activities based on the students’ progress and needs. Continuous assessment should be integrated into the teaching process to ensure effective learning.

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