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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Third Term Basic Electricity Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Third Term Basic Electricity Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Renewable Energy Sources


Introduction to renewable energy

Discussion on solar, wind, and hydropower

Class project: researching and presenting on a specific renewable energy source

Week 2: Energy Storage Technologies


Overview of energy storage systems

Batteries and their types

Lab experiment: testing different battery technologies

Week 3: Power Distribution Systems


Understanding power distribution grids

Components of a power distribution system

Field trip: visit to a local substation or power distribution facility

Week 4: Electrical Wiring and Installation


Basics of electrical wiring

Safety measures in wiring installations

Practical session: hands-on wiring exercises

Week 5: Home Automation Systems


Introduction to home automation

Discussion on smart homes and IoT devices

Group project: designing a simple home automation system

Week 6: Industrial Electronics


Applications of electronics in industrial settings

Control systems and automation in industries

Guest lecture: industry expert sharing experiences in industrial electronics

Week 7: Troubleshooting and Maintenance


Techniques for troubleshooting electrical systems

Importance of regular maintenance

Workshop: hands-on troubleshooting exercises

Week 8: Power Electronics and Motor Drives


Overview of power electronics

Motor drive systems and their applications

Lab experiment: building a motor drive system

Week 9: Instrumentation and Measurement


Importance of instrumentation in electrical systems

Types of measuring instruments

Practical session: using measuring instruments in electrical circuits

Week 10: Communication in Electrical Systems


Basics of communication protocols in electrical systems

Networking in electrical devices

Group project: designing a communication system for connected devices

Week 11: Revision Week


Comprehensive review of third-term concepts

Mock exams and practice sessions

Peer review: students discussing challenging topics with each other

Week 12: Examination Week


Final written and practical exams for the third term

Evaluation of students’ knowledge and skills in advanced electrical concepts

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Course reflection and feedback session

Certificate distribution for completing the Basic Electricity course.

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