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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Second Term Store Keeping Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Second Term Store Keeping Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Introduction to Procurement


Lesson: Understanding the procurement process.

Activity: Discussing the role of procurement in store management.

Week 2: Vendor Selection and Negotiation


Lesson: Criteria for selecting vendors and negotiation skills.

Activity: Simulated vendor selection and negotiation exercise.

Week 3: Purchase Orders and Contracts


Lesson: Creating purchase orders and understanding contracts.

Activity: Drafting sample purchase orders and contracts.

Week 4: E-procurement and Technology


Lesson: Integration of technology in procurement processes.

Activity: Exploring e-procurement platforms and tools.

Week 5: Cost Analysis and Budgeting


Lesson: Analyzing costs and creating a storekeeping budget.

Activity: Practical exercises on cost analysis and budgeting.

Week 6: Sustainable Procurement Practices


Lesson: Importance of sustainability in procurement.

Activity: Research and presentation on sustainable practices.

Week 7: Risk Management in Procurement


Lesson: Identifying and mitigating risks in procurement.

Activity: Group discussion on real-life procurement risks.

Week 8: Legal and Ethical Aspects of Procurement


Lesson: Understanding legal and ethical considerations.

Activity: Case studies on legal issues in procurement.

Week 9: Supplier Relationship Management


Lesson: Building and maintaining good relationships with suppliers.

Activity: Role-playing scenarios for effective supplier communication.

Week 10: Inventory Valuation Methods


Lesson: Various methods for inventory valuation.

Activity: Applying different valuation methods to case studies.

Week 11: Revision Week


Review of second term topics; Q&A session.

Week 12: Examination Week


Written and practical exams covering second term content.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Final wrap-up, distribution of results, and feedback session for the second term.

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