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Past Questions and Answers

SS1 First Term Fine Arts Past Questions And Answers

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SS1 First Term Fine Arts Past Questions And Answers


Here they are;


Question: What is the primary color used to create shades and tints in artwork?


A. Blue

B. Red

C. Black

D. Yellow

Answer: C. Black

Question: In drawing, what term is used to describe lines that define the outer edges of objects?


A. Contour lines

B. Diagonal lines

C. Horizontal lines

D. Vertical lines

Answer: A. Contour lines

Question: Which art technique involves applying diluted paint to create a transparent effect?


A. Pointillism

B. Impasto

C. Glazing

D. Sgraffito

Answer: C. Glazing

Question: What is the term for the art of making three-dimensional objects by manipulating materials like clay or wood?


A. Sculpture

B. Collage

C. Printmaking

D. Ceramics

Answer: A. Sculpture

Question: Which element of art refers to the lightness or darkness of a color?


A. Hue

B. Value

C. Intensity

D. Saturation

Answer: B. Value

Question: What is the technique of scratching or scraping away layers of paint to reveal the layers beneath?


A. Stippling

B. Sgraffito

C. Cross-hatching

D. Frottage

Answer: B. Sgraffito

Question: Which artistic movement focused on capturing the fleeting effects of light and color in the natural world?


A. Cubism

B. Impressionism

C. Surrealism

D. Abstract Expressionism

Answer: B. Impressionism

Question: In perspective drawing, what term is used to describe the point where parallel lines appear to converge?


A. Vanishing point

B. Horizon line

C. Focal point

D. Zenith point

Answer: A. Vanishing point

Question: What type of symmetry is created when an artwork is the same on both sides, like a mirror image?


A. Radial symmetry

B. Asymmetry

C. Bilateral symmetry

D. Crystallographic symmetry

Answer: C. Bilateral symmetry

Question: Which art movement emphasized spontaneous, automatic techniques and expressed the subconscious mind?


A. Dadaism

B. Abstract Expressionism

C. Surrealism

D. Pop Art

Answer: C. Surrealism

Question: What is the term for a sculpture in which the figures are attached to a background and project outwards?


A. Bas-relief

B. High relief

C. Sculptural relief

D. Low relief

Answer: A. Bas-relief

Question: Which type of perspective creates the illusion of depth by representing objects as they appear to the eye?


A. Atmospheric perspective

B. Isometric perspective

C. Linear perspective

D. One-point perspective

Answer: C. Linear perspective

Question: Who is renowned for creating large-scale environmental artworks often using natural materials like rocks and branches?


A. Michelangelo

B. Christo and Jeanne-Claude

C. Frida Kahlo

D. Banksy

Answer: B. Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Question: Which primary color can be created by mixing red and blue?


A. Yellow

B. Green

C. Purple

D. Orange

Answer: C. Purple

Question: What is the term for the study and interpretation of symbols in art?


A. Iconography

B. Aesthetics

C. Critique

D. Abstraction

Answer: A. Iconography

Question: Who is known for the technique of “drip painting” in abstract expressionist artworks?


A. Pablo Picasso

B. Jackson Pollock

C. Salvador Dali

D. Georgia O’Keeffe

Answer: B. Jackson Pollock

Question: What art movement rejected traditional representation in favor of geometric shapes and primary colors?


A. Cubism

B. Abstract Expressionism

C. Fauvism

D. Suprematism

Answer: D. Suprematism

Question: Which term describes the technique of cutting and pasting different materials onto a surface to create a composition?


A. Collage

B. Assemblage

C. Montage

D. Decoupage

Answer: A. Collage

Question: What is the purpose of a color wheel in the visual arts?


A. To mix colors

B. To display primary colors

C. To show color relationships

D. To create monochromatic art

Answer: C. To show color relationships

Question: Who is considered a pioneer of kinetic art, creating sculptures that incorporate movement?


A. Alexander Calder

B. Vincent van Gogh

C. Yayoi Kusama

D. Damien Hirst

Answer: A. Alexander Calder.

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