SS1 First Term Commerce Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
Subject: Commerce
Class: Senior Secondary School 1 (SS1)
Scheme of Work – First Term
Week 1-2: Introduction to Commerce
Overview of Commerce and its importance.
Introduction to basic economic concepts.
Activities: Class discussions, case studies on local businesses.
Week 3-4: Trade and Business
Understanding the concept of trade.
Types of business organizations.
Activities: Group projects on various types of businesses, role-playing scenarios.
Week 5-6: Money and Banking
Importance of money in commerce.
Basics of banking and financial institutions.
Activities: Simulated banking transactions, guest lecture from a local banker.
Week 7-8: Marketing and Advertising
Principles of marketing.
Role and impact of advertising in commerce.
Activities: Designing a simple marketing plan for a product, analyzing advertisements.
Week 9-10: Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
Understanding consumer protection.
Responsibilities of consumers in commerce.
Activities: Mock court session on consumer rights violations, group discussions.
Week 11: Revision Week
Review of key concepts from weeks 1-10.
Practice tests and quizzes.
Activities: Group study sessions, peer teaching.
Week 12: Examination Week
Final examinations covering all topics.
Activities: Exam preparation sessions, last-minute clarifications.
Week 13: School Dismissal Week
Recap of the term’s learnings.
Distribution of results and feedback.
Activities: End-of-term reflections, goal-setting for the next term.
Note: The above scheme of work is a general guideline. Adjustments may be made based on the pace of the class and individual needs.