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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 First Term Automobile Parts Merchandising Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 First Term Automobile Parts Merchandising Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Introduction to Automobile Parts Merchandising


Lesson Note:

In the first week of the term, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of automobile parts merchandising. The lesson will cover basic terminology, the importance of parts merchandising in the automotive industry, and an overview of the various types of automobile parts.




Presentation on the importance of automobile parts merchandising.

Group discussion on common automobile parts and their functions.

Introduction to basic terminology used in the field.

Week 2-10: In-depth Study of Automobile Parts


Lesson Note:

During these weeks, students will delve deeper into the various categories of automobile parts. Each week will focus on a specific aspect such as engine parts, transmission parts, electrical components, etc. Students will learn about the characteristics, functions, and importance of each type of part.




Practical demonstrations of different automobile parts.

Hands-on activities such as disassembling and assembling components.

Group projects on researching and presenting information about specific types of automobile parts.

Week 11: Revision Week


Lesson Note:

Week 11 will be dedicated to reviewing the topics covered throughout the term. It will involve comprehensive revision sessions, practice quizzes, and group discussions to reinforce students’ understanding of automobile parts merchandising.




Review quizzes on key concepts and terminology.

Group discussions to clarify any remaining doubts or questions.

Hands-on activities to apply theoretical knowledge practically.

Week 12: Examination Week


Lesson Note:

This week will be focused solely on preparing for and conducting examinations. Students will be assessed on their understanding of the material covered throughout the term through written exams and practical assessments.




Written examinations covering theoretical concepts.

Practical assessments evaluating students’ ability to identify and explain different automobile parts.

Review sessions to go over exam strategies and tips.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Lesson Note:

Week 13 marks the end of the term, and students will be dismissed for the break. This week will be used for final administrative tasks, feedback sessions, and preparing for the next term.




Distribution of report cards and feedback forms.

Reflection sessions where students can share their experiences and provide feedback on the course.

Preparation for the upcoming term, including scheduling and curriculum planning.

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