SS3 Third Term Economics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
SS3 Third Term Economics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
Week 1-2: Economic Policies
Lesson Note: Introduce economic policies, monetary and fiscal policies.
Activities: Role-playing exercises on the Central Bank’s monetary policy, analyzing government fiscal decisions.
Week 3-4: Trade Unions and Labor Market
Lesson Note: Discuss the role of trade unions, labor market structures.
Activities: Guest speaker from a labor union, group discussions on the impact of unions on the labor market.
Week 5-6: Environmental Economics
Lesson Note: Explore the principles of environmental economics, sustainable practices.
Activities: Field trips to environmentally conscious businesses, group projects on sustainable business practices.
Week 7-8: Economic Globalization
Lesson Note: Discuss economic globalization, its impact on economies.
Activities: Case studies on the effects of globalization, group presentations on global economic integration.
Week 9-10: Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Lesson Note: Introduce entrepreneurship, characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.
Activities: Guest speakers from local entrepreneurs, development of a business plan in groups.
Week 11: Revision Week
Lesson Note: Review key concepts from the third term.
Activities: Practice exams, group discussions, and individual review sessions.
Week 12: Examination Week
Lesson Note: Administer end-of-term examination.
Activities: Conducting examinations, ensuring exam integrity, and providing support as needed.
Week 13: School Dismissal Week
Lesson Note: Wrap up the academic year, provide feedback on examinations.
Activities: Final class reflections, distribution of results, and preparation for graduation or progression to the next level.