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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 Second Term Store Keeping Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 Second Term Store Keeping Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Scheme of Work: SS3 Second Term Store Keeping

Week 1-2: Store Security Measures

Importance of store security

Implementing CCTV and alarm systems

Security personnel training

Practical activity: Conducting a store security audit

Week 3-4: Pricing and Merchandising

Pricing strategies for different products

Merchandising techniques to boost sales

Labeling and signage importance

Activities: Pricing simulation and creating attractive displays

Week 5-6: Customer Service in Retail

Importance of excellent customer service

Handling customer complaints and inquiries

Role-playing customer service scenarios

Practical activity: Creating a customer service manual

Week 7-8: Store Technology Integration

Introduction to Point of Sale (POS) systems

Inventory management software

Online and offline integration

Activities: Exploring POS systems and software simulations

Week 9-10: Risk Management in Store Keeping

Identifying and assessing risks in store management

Implementing risk prevention measures

Emergency response planning

Case studies on store-related risks

Week 11: Revision Week

Review of topics covered in the second term

Mock quizzes and group discussions

Clarification of doubts and questions

Week 12: Examination Week

Formal written examination on second-term topics

Practical assessment on security and technology skills

Evaluation and feedback session

Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Recap of the term’s learnings

Distribution of certificates and commendations

Closing remarks and encouragement for continuous learning

End-of-term celebration and farewell

Lesson Notes: SS3 Second Term Store Keeping (Weeks 1-10)

Week 1-2: Store Security Measures

Discuss the importance of store security

Explore different security measures

Conduct a store security audit

Activities: Role-play security scenarios

Week 3-4: Pricing and Merchandising

Explain pricing strategies and their applications

Discuss merchandising techniques

Create attractive displays and signage

Activities: Pricing simulation and visual merchandising exercises

Week 5-6: Customer Service in Retail

Emphasize the importance of customer service

Role-play customer service scenarios

Create a customer service manual

Activities: Customer service role-playing and manual creation

Week 7-8: Store Technology Integration

Introduce Point of Sale (POS) systems

Explore inventory management software

Simulate online and offline integration

Activities: Hands-on experience with POS systems and software

Week 9-10: Risk Management in Store Keeping

Identify and assess risks in store management

Implement risk prevention measures

Plan for emergency responses

Activities: Case studies on store-related risks.

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