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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 Second Term Computer Science Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 Second Term Computer Science Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Second Term: Week 1-2: Recap and Advanced Programming Concepts

Lesson Note:


Recap of First Term Concepts

Advanced Programming Structures

Object-Oriented Programming Basics

Scheme of Work:


Review of previous term’s topics

In-depth discussions on advanced programming

Practical coding sessions on object-oriented concepts

Week 3-4: Web Development Basics

Lesson Note:


Introduction to Web Development

HTML and CSS Basics

Basic Web Design Principles

Scheme of Work:


Classroom discussions on web development

Hands-on coding sessions for HTML and CSS

Group project: Creating a simple website

Week 5-6: Cybersecurity Basics

Lesson Note:


Understanding Cybersecurity

Common Cyber Threats

Online Safety Practices

Scheme of Work:


Lectures on cybersecurity concepts

Group discussions on cyber threats

Practical exercises on online safety measures

Week 7-8: Software Development Lifecycle

Lesson Note:


Overview of SDLC

Planning and Design Phase

Implementation and Testing Phase

Scheme of Work:


Classroom discussions on SDLC

Group projects on planning and design

Coding and testing sessions

Week 9-10: Mobile App Development

Lesson Note:


Introduction to Mobile App Development

Mobile App Platforms

Basic Mobile App Design

Scheme of Work:


Lectures on mobile app development

Hands-on coding for basic mobile apps

Group project: Designing a simple mobile app

Week 11: Revision Week



Review of Second Term Topics

Practice quizzes and discussions

Addressing any outstanding doubts

Week 12: Examination Week



Written examination covering second term topics

Practical coding test on advanced programming and web development

Oral examination for comprehensive understanding

Week 13: School Dismissal Week



Recap of the entire year

Distribution of second term results and feedback

Closing remarks and encouragement for further exploration in computer science.

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