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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 First Term Store Management Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 First Term Store Management Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1 – Introduction to Store Management

Lesson Note: Start with an overview of store management principles, defining the importance of efficient store operations. Discuss the role of a store manager and key responsibilities.


Activities: Introduce case studies of successful store management. Conduct group discussions on the challenges faced by store managers.


Week 2 – Store Layout and Design

Lesson Note: Explore the significance of store layout and design in maximizing sales. Discuss concepts like shelf space management and customer flow.


Activities: Organize a store visit or a virtual tour to analyze different store layouts. Assign a project for students to design an effective store layout.


Week 3 – Inventory Control

Lesson Note: Delve into inventory management techniques, emphasizing the importance of maintaining optimum stock levels.


Activities: Conduct a practical session on inventory counting and reconciliation. Analyze case studies of businesses that faced inventory challenges.


Week 4 – Stock Replenishment Strategies

Lesson Note: Explore various strategies for stock replenishment, including Just-in-Time (JIT) and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ).


Activities: Simulate stock replenishment scenarios. Discuss real-life examples of businesses that successfully implemented replenishment strategies.


Week 5 – Customer Service in Retail

Lesson Note: Shift focus to customer service in retail, discussing its impact on store success. Emphasize the role of store staff in creating a positive customer experience.


Activities: Role-play customer service scenarios. Analyze customer feedback from different businesses.


Week 6 – Point of Sale Systems

Lesson Note: Introduce modern Point of Sale (POS) systems and their benefits in store management.


Activities: Visit a local business using a POS system or invite a guest speaker from the retail industry. Hands-on experience with a basic POS system.


Week 7 – Security Measures in Stores

Lesson Note: Discuss the importance of security measures in preventing theft and ensuring a safe shopping environment.


Activities: Conduct a security audit of a mock store. Discuss case studies of stores implementing effective security measures.


Week 8 – Pricing Strategies

Lesson Note: Explore various pricing strategies in retail, such as cost-plus pricing and psychological pricing.


Activities: Analyze pricing strategies of different products in the market. Assign a project for students to develop a pricing strategy for a fictional store.


Week 9 – Promotions and Sales

Lesson Note: Dive into promotional activities and sales techniques to drive customer engagement and boost sales.


Activities: Create and present mock promotional campaigns. Analyze successful sales promotions in the retail industry.


Week 10 – Technology in Store Management

Lesson Note: Discuss the integration of technology in store management, including inventory management software and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.


Activities: Hands-on experience with store management software. Analyze the impact of technology on improving store efficiency.


Week 11 – Revision Week

Lesson Note: Review key concepts covered in previous weeks. Address any lingering questions or areas of confusion.


Activities: Conduct a comprehensive revision quiz. Provide additional resources for self-study.


Week 12 – Examination Week

Lesson Note: Administer a comprehensive examination covering all aspects of store management.


Activities: Implement a fair and structured examination process. Ensure proper invigilation and adherence to examination guidelines.


Week 13 – School Dismissal Week

Lesson Note: Recap the entire course, emphasizing key takeaways and practical applications in the retail industry.


Activities: Arrange a guest speaker session with a successful store manager. Allow students to share their reflections on the course. Distribute certificates of completion.

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