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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 First Term Clothing and Textile Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 First Term Clothing and Textile Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1-3: Introduction to Clothing and Textile


In the initial weeks, the focus will be on introducing students to the fundamentals of Clothing and Textile. Week one will cover an overview of the course, its importance, and basic terminology. In the second and third weeks, students will delve into the history of clothing, understanding various fibers, and their properties.


Week 4-6: Basic Sewing Techniques


Moving forward, students will transition into practical skills. Weeks four to six will concentrate on basic sewing techniques. Activities include hands-on sessions where students learn to thread a needle, stitch various seams, and handle sewing tools.


Week 7-8: Fabric Selection and Design Basics


These weeks will emphasize the importance of fabric selection in garment creation. Students will explore different types of fabrics and their suitable applications. Design basics will also be introduced, including pattern making and garment construction.


Week 9-10: Embellishments and Finishing Techniques


Weeks nine and ten will be dedicated to enhancing garments through embellishments and perfecting finishing techniques. Students will learn about decorative elements like embroidery, appliqué, and various ways to finish seams for a polished look.


Week 11: Revision Week


As the examination period approaches, week 11 will be dedicated to revisiting key concepts, practicing skills, and addressing any lingering questions. Review quizzes and practical exercises will reinforce students’ understanding.


Week 12: Examination Week


Week 12 marks the examination week, where students will be assessed on both theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired throughout the term.


Week 13: School Dismissal Week


In the final week, students will showcase their completed projects, and there will be a brief recap of the term’s highlights. Certificates of completion may be awarded, and students will be dismissed for the term, carrying with them newfound skills in Clothing and Textile.

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