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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS2 First Term Marketing Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS2 First Term Marketing Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS2 First Term Marketing Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Introduction to Marketing


Overview of marketing concepts

Importance of marketing in business

Basic marketing terms and definitions

Classroom discussion on real-world marketing examples

Week 2: Marketing Environment


Understanding the marketing environment

Factors influencing marketing decisions

Analysis of macro and micro environments

Case studies on companies adapting to environmental changes

Week 3: Market Segmentation


Definition and importance of market segmentation

Types of market segmentation

Practical exercises on identifying target markets

Group projects to create market segmentation strategies

Week 4: Marketing Mix – Product


Introduction to the 4Ps of marketing

In-depth focus on the product element

Product life cycle analysis

Case studies on successful product strategies

Week 5: Marketing Mix – Price


Pricing strategies and tactics

Factors influencing pricing decisions

Pricing simulations and role-playing scenarios

Class debate on the impact of pricing on consumer behavior

Week 6: Marketing Mix – Place (Distribution)


Understanding distribution channels

Logistics and supply chain management

Field trip to a local business to observe distribution processes

Group project on optimizing distribution strategies

Week 7: Marketing Mix – Promotion


Various promotional tools and techniques

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)

Designing effective advertising campaigns

Guest lecture from a marketing professional

Week 8: Digital Marketing


Introduction to digital marketing

Social media marketing strategies

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) basics

Workshop on creating a digital marketing plan

Week 9: Branding and Brand Management


Significance of branding in marketing

Building and managing a brand

Brand equity and its impact on consumer behavior

Brand audit project

Week 10: Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility


Ethical considerations in marketing

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Case studies on companies demonstrating ethical practices

Classroom discussions on ethical dilemmas in marketing

Week 11: Revision Week


Review of key concepts and topics

Q&A sessions for clarification

Group study sessions and peer teaching

Week 12: Examination Week


Written and practical exams

Individual and group assessments

Feedback and discussion on exam performance

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Final class reflections and discussions

Distribution of course materials and resources

Farewell and encouragement for continuous learning

Note: This lesson plan is a guide, and adjustments may be made based on class dynamics, progress, and additional resources available.

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