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SS2 Third Term CRK Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 Third Term CRK Past Questions And Answers


20 Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) questions for SS2 Third Term, each with options and answers:


Question: What is the Christian term for the act of publicly expressing faith in Jesus, often through a formal ceremony?


A. Anointing

B. Baptism

C. Confession

D. Confirmation

Answer: D. Confirmation

Question: Who is known as the “Apostle of the Gentiles” due to his missionary work among non-Jews?


A. Peter

B. James

C. Paul

D. John

Answer: C. Paul

Question: In the New Testament, which city is referred to as the birthplace of Jesus?


A. Jerusalem

B. Nazareth

C. Bethlehem

D. Capernaum

Answer: C. Bethlehem

Question: What is the Christian term for the doctrine that God became incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ?


A. Incarnation

B. Atonement

C. Resurrection

D. Ascension

Answer: A. Incarnation

Question: Which biblical character is often associated with a coat of many colors and was favored by his father?


A. Joseph

B. Jacob

C. Isaac

D. Esau

Answer: A. Joseph

Question: What is the Christian term for the ritual meal that commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples?


A. Eucharist

B. Communion

C. Passover

D. Sacrament

Answer: A. Eucharist

Question: Who is traditionally considered the author of the Book of Revelation in the New Testament?


A. John the Baptist

B. John the Evangelist

C. John Mark

D. John the Apostle

Answer: B. John the Evangelist

Question: What is the Christian term for the act of seeking forgiveness and absolution for sins through prayer and penance?


A. Atonement

B. Repentance

C. Absolution

D. Redemption

Answer: C. Absolution

Question: In Christianity, what is the significance of the Feast of the Epiphany?


A. Birth of Jesus

B. Revelation to the Gentiles

C. Resurrection of Jesus

D. Ascension of Jesus

Answer: B. Revelation to the Gentiles

Question: Which Old Testament figure led the Israelites across the Red Sea and received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai?


A. Moses

B. Joshua

C. Aaron

D. Samuel

Answer: A. Moses

Question: What is the Christian term for the belief in the resurrection of the dead and the final judgment?


A. Afterlife

B. Eschatology

C. Transcendence

D. Immanence

Answer: B. Eschatology

Question: Who was the king of Israel known for his wisdom and construction of the Temple in Jerusalem?


A. David

B. Solomon

C. Hezekiah

D. Josiah

Answer: B. Solomon

Question: What is the Christian term for the voluntary giving of one’s possessions or resources to help others in need?


A. Tithing

B. Almsgiving

C. Offering

D. Sacrifice

Answer: B. Almsgiving

Question: Which prophet foretold the coming of a Messiah born of a virgin?


A. Isaiah

B. Micah

C. Hosea

D. Malachi

Answer: A. Isaiah

Question: In Christianity, what sacrament is associated with the anointing of oil for healing and forgiveness?


A. Baptism

B. Eucharist

C. Anointing of the Sick

D. Confirmation

Answer: C. Anointing of the Sick

Question: What is the Christian term for the belief in the unity of God in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?


A. Monotheism

B. Arianism

C. Trinitarianism

D. Unitarianism

Answer: C. Trinitarianism

Question: Which biblical figure is known for leading the Israelites in the conquest of Jericho, causing its walls to fall?


A. Joshua

B. Caleb

C. Gideon

D. Samson

Answer: A. Joshua

Question: What is the Christian term for the act of acknowledging and confessing one’s sins directly to God?


A. Repentance

B. Confession

C. Atonement

D. Penance

Answer: A. Repentance

Question: Which Gospel begins with the proclamation, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”?


A. Matthew

B. Mark

C. Luke

D. John

Answer: D. John

Question: What is the Christian term for the belief that the bread and wine in the Eucharist become the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ?


A. Transubstantiation

B. Consubstantiation

C. Symbolism

D. Commemoration

Answer: A. Transubstantiation.

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