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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS2 Second Term Insurance Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS2 Second Term Insurance Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Secondary School 2 (SS2) Second Term Insurance Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Introduction to Reinsurance


Lesson Note: Definition and importance of reinsurance in the insurance industry.

Activities: Case studies on major reinsurance transactions, group discussions on risk distribution.

Week 2: Marine and Aviation Insurance


Lesson Note: Understanding specialized insurance for marine and aviation risks.

Activities: Analyzing historical marine and aviation insurance cases, class presentations.

Week 3: Motor Insurance


Lesson Note: In-depth discussion on motor insurance policies and coverage.

Activities: Role-playing scenarios involving motor insurance claims, group discussions on emerging trends.

Week 4: Agricultural Insurance


Lesson Note: Introduction to insurance coverage for agricultural risks.

Activities: Field trip to a local farm, case studies on agricultural insurance success stories.

Week 5: Cyber Insurance


Lesson Note: Exploring the emerging field of cyber insurance.

Activities: Group projects on assessing cyber risks, discussions on cybersecurity measures.

Week 6: Health Insurance and Social Protection


Lesson Note: Comprehensive study on health insurance and its role in social protection.

Activities: Analyzing healthcare systems, guest speaker session from a health insurance professional.

Week 7: Insurance and Climate Change


Lesson Note: Understanding the impact of climate change on insurance.

Activities: Group research projects on climate-related insurance challenges, discussion on sustainable practices.

Week 8: Emerging Trends in Insurance


Lesson Note: Exploration of current and future trends in the insurance industry.

Activities: Research and presentation on insurtech, discussions on the gig economy’s impact on insurance.

Week 9: Ethics in Insurance


Lesson Note: Examining ethical considerations and professional conduct in the insurance field.

Activities: Case studies on ethical dilemmas, group discussions on industry standards.

Week 10: Insurance and Global Economy


Lesson Note: Linking insurance to the global economic landscape.

Activities: Research projects on the impact of insurance on economic development, class presentations.

Week 11: Revision Week


Lesson Note: Comprehensive review of second term material.

Activities: Group revision sessions, practice exams, addressing student queries.

Week 12: Examination Week


Lesson Note: Final assessment on the entire term’s content.

Activities: Conducting written exams, practical assessments, and oral exams.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Lesson Note: Final wrap-up, feedback session, and preparation for the next academic year.

Activities: Reflection on the term, goal-setting for the next term, and farewell activities.

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