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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS2 Second Term Financial Account Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS2 Second Term Financial Account Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Senior Secondary School 2 (SS2) Financial Accounting: Second Term Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1-4: Manufacturing Accounts

Week 1:

Objective: Introduce students to manufacturing accounts.


Definition and Components of Manufacturing Accounts

Classification of Manufacturing Costs

Practical exercises on preparing manufacturing accounts

Week 2:

Objective: Explore the concept of cost accounting.


Basics of Cost Accounting

Cost Centers and Cost Units

Application of cost accounting principles

Week 3:

Objective: Teach the preparation of financial statements in a manufacturing context.


Manufacturing Income Statement

Statement of Comprehensive Income

Class discussions and practical exercises

Week 4:

Objective: Assess students’ understanding of manufacturing accounts.


Group projects related to manufacturing scenarios

Review and discussion of project outcomes

Quiz on manufacturing accounts

Week 5-8: Non-Profit Organizations and Partnership Accounts (Continuation)

Week 5:

Objective: Explore accounting for non-profit organizations.


Definition and Characteristics of Non-Profit Organizations

Accounting for Income and Expenditure

Case studies on non-profit organizations

Week 6:

Objective: Continue with partnership accounts and introduce adjustments.


Adjustments for Interest on Capital

Admission and Retirement of Partners

Practical exercises on partnership adjustments

Week 7:

Objective: Teach dissolution of partnerships.


Reasons for Dissolution

Calculation of Gains and Losses on Dissolution

Real-life case studies on partnership dissolution

Week 8:

Objective: Assess students’ understanding of non-profit organizations and partnership adjustments.


Quiz on non-profit organization accounting

Review and discussion of quiz results

Practical exercises on partnership adjustments

Week 9-11: Cash Flow Statements and Ratio Analysis

Week 9:

Objective: Introduce students to cash flow statements.


Purpose and Importance of Cash Flow Statements

Operating, Investing, and Financing Activities

Preparation of a Cash Flow Statement

Week 10:

Objective: Explore ratio analysis in financial accounting.


Significance of Ratio Analysis

Calculation and Interpretation of Ratios

Application of ratios in financial analysis

Week 11:

Objective: Revision and reinforcement of previous concepts.


Comprehensive review of topics covered in the term

Group discussions and problem-solving sessions

Practice tests in preparation for examinations

Week 12: Examination Week

Week 12:

Objective: Conduct end-of-term examinations.


Written examinations on all topics covered

Practical tests on application of accounting principles

Review of examination guidelines and expectations

Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Week 13:

Objective: Wrap up the term and provide guidance for self-study during the break.


Distribution of report cards

Individual feedback sessions with students

Recommendations for further study and improvement

Note: This lesson plan extends the learning journey, building on the foundation laid in the first term. Adjustments can be made based on the pace and needs of the class.

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