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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS2 First Term Automobile Parts Merchandising Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS2 First Term Automobile Parts Merchandising Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS2 First Term Automobile Parts Merchandising Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Welcome to another exciting term of learning in the world of Automobile Parts Merchandising! In this blog post, we’ll outline the Lesson Note and Scheme of Work for SS2 students for the first term, covering weeks one to thirteen. Let’s dive in!


Week 1: Introduction to Automobile Parts Merchandising


Introduction to the course

Overview of automobile parts and their functions

Discussion on the importance of automobile parts merchandising

Week 2: Types of Automobile Parts


Classification of automobile parts (engine, transmission, suspension, etc.)

Identification and understanding of each type of part

Practical demonstrations on basic automobile parts

Week 3: Understanding Automobile Systems


Introduction to automobile systems (electrical, braking, cooling, etc.)

Explanation of the interconnection between different systems

Group activities to identify components of various automobile systems

Week 4: Basics of Parts Merchandising


Introduction to parts merchandising concepts and principles

Importance of inventory management in parts merchandising

Case studies and real-world examples of successful parts merchandising businesses

Week 5: Supply Chain Management


Understanding the supply chain in automobile parts merchandising

Importance of efficient supply chain management

Group projects on analyzing and improving supply chain processes

Week 6: Customer Service in Parts Merchandising


Importance of excellent customer service in the parts industry

Techniques for effective communication with customers

Role-playing exercises to simulate customer interactions

Week 7: Sales and Marketing Strategies


Introduction to sales and marketing strategies specific to parts merchandising

Developing promotional campaigns for automobile parts

Guest lecture from a marketing expert in the automotive industry

Week 8: Pricing and Negotiation


Understanding pricing strategies for automobile parts

Techniques for effective negotiation with suppliers and customers

Role-playing scenarios to practice negotiation skills

Week 9: Inventory Management


Advanced concepts in inventory management for automobile parts

Just-in-time inventory systems and their benefits

Practical exercises on inventory tracking and optimization

Week 10: Business Ethics in Automobile Parts Merchandising


Importance of ethical practices in the parts industry

Discussion on common ethical dilemmas and how to handle them

Case studies on ethical issues faced by parts merchandisers

Week 11: Revision Week


Review of key concepts covered in the term

Practice tests and quizzes to assess understanding

One-on-one sessions for students who need extra help

Week 12: Examination Week


Final examinations covering all topics from the term

Written and practical assessments to evaluate student knowledge

Provision of feedback to students on their performance

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Recap of the term’s highlights and achievements

Distribution of report cards and awards

Farewell activities for students as they prepare for the next term

With this comprehensive Lesson Note and Scheme of Work, SS2 students can look forward to a rewarding and enriching term in Automobile Parts Merchandising.

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