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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Third Term IRS/IRK Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Third Term IRS/IRK Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1-2: Islamic Philosophy and Theology


Lesson Note: Begin the term by exploring the philosophical and theological aspects of Islam, discussing concepts like Tawhid (oneness of God) and the nature of existence.


Activities: Group discussions on Islamic philosophy, debates on theological principles, and a reflective essay on the significance of Tawhid.


Week 3-4: Comparative Ethics in World Religions


Lesson Note: Extend the comparative study of ethics, focusing on how moral values are emphasized in different world religions.


Activities: Comparative analysis projects, panel discussions on ethical teachings, and a collaborative project showcasing shared ethical principles.


Week 5: Islamic Art and Architecture


Lesson Note: Explore the rich heritage of Islamic art and architecture, discussing calligraphy, geometric patterns, and the design of mosques.


Activities: Artistic workshops, group projects creating Islamic art, and a field trip to a local mosque or Islamic art exhibit.


Week 6-7: Islamic Governance and Politics


Lesson Note: Discuss the principles of Islamic governance, exploring the historical examples of Islamic states and their political systems.


Activities: Role-playing political scenarios, group presentations on historical Islamic governance, and a class debate on the relevance of Islamic political ideals today.


Week 8: Environmental Ethics in Islam


Lesson Note: Introduce the concept of environmental ethics in Islam, emphasizing the responsibility of humans as stewards of the Earth.


Activities: Environmental awareness campaigns, tree-planting activities, and a group project on sustainable practices in Islam.


Week 9-10: Islamic Mysticism (Sufism)


Lesson Note: Dive into the mystical aspects of Islam, exploring Sufi practices, poetry, and the pursuit of spiritual closeness to Allah.


Activities: Sufi poetry recitation, discussions on Sufi philosophy, and a creative project showcasing Sufi art and literature.


Week 11: Revision Week


Lesson Note: Conduct a thorough revision of the term’s topics, addressing any challenges, and reinforcing understanding.


Activities: Interactive revision games, group discussions, and a comprehensive review of key concepts.


Week 12: Examination Week


Lesson Note: Administer examinations covering the entire third term’s curriculum to assess students’ understanding of advanced Islamic studies.


Activities: Examination sessions for theory and practical aspects of the subject.


Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Lesson Note: Conclude the academic year by summarizing key learnings, expressing gratitude, and encouraging students to continue exploring the depth of Islamic knowledge.


Activities: Farewell assembly, distribution of certificates, and a closing reflection on the academic year’s achievements.


This Third Term Lesson Note and Scheme of Work for SS1 Islamic Religion Studies expands on the students’ understanding of complex topics, fostering a deeper appreciation for the diverse aspects of Islamic knowledge and culture.

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