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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Third Term Animal Husbandry Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Third Term Animal Husbandry Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Scheme of Work: SS3 Third Term Animal Husbandry


Week 1-2: Dairy Farming


Lesson 1: Introduction to Dairy Farming

Lesson 2: Dairy Cattle Breeds and Milk Production

Activity: Visit to a dairy farm to observe milking and processing techniques

Week 3-4: Dairy Cattle Nutrition and Health


Lesson 3: Nutritional Requirements for Dairy Cattle

Lesson 4: Common Health Issues in Dairy Farming

Activity: Design a balanced diet plan for dairy cattle

Week 5-6: Beekeeping (Apiculture)


Lesson 5: Basics of Beekeeping

Lesson 6: Types of Bees and Honey Production

Activity: Setting up a small beekeeping project in the school garden

Week 7-8: Beehive Construction and Management


Lesson 7: Constructing Different Types of Beehives

Lesson 8: Hive Management and Honey Harvesting

Activity: Practical demonstration of beehive construction techniques

Week 9-10: Rabbit Farming


Lesson 9: Introduction to Rabbit Farming

Lesson 10: Rabbit Breeds and Breeding Techniques

Activity: Establishing a small rabbitry on the school premises

Week 11: Revision Week


Review key concepts in dairy farming, beekeeping, and rabbit farming

Conduct practice quizzes and discussions on third term topics

Week 12: Examination Week


Written and practical examinations covering dairy farming, beekeeping, and rabbit farming

Evaluation of students’ comprehension and application of animal husbandry principles

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Summarize the entire year’s learning experiences in animal husbandry

Distribute final academic reports and provide feedback to students.

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