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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Third Term Agricultural Science Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Third Term Agricultural Science Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Here’s an outline for the third term, covering weeks one to thirteen:


Week 1: Aquaculture and Fisheries

Lesson Note:


Basics of aquaculture

Fisheries management

Importance of aquatic resources in agriculture



Visit to a local fish farm

Group project on designing a small-scale aquaculture system

Scheme of Work:


Understanding fish farming techniques

Sustainable practices in fisheries management

Week 2: Pest and Disease Management in Livestock

Lesson Note:


Identification of common livestock diseases

Preventive measures and vaccinations

Treatment strategies for livestock ailments



Practical session on administering vaccinations

Guest lecture from a veterinary expert

Scheme of Work:


Enhancing livestock health through effective disease management

Practical skills in handling common livestock ailments

Week 3: Organic Farming Principles

Lesson Note:


Principles of organic farming

Benefits of organic practices

Certification and standards in organic agriculture



Organic farming demonstration

Group project on creating an organic farm plan

Scheme of Work:


Embracing environmentally friendly farming practices

Meeting organic certification requirements

Week 4: Precision Agriculture and Technology

Lesson Note:


Introduction to precision agriculture

Utilizing technology in farming

Benefits of data-driven agriculture



Hands-on experience with precision agriculture tools

Group project on implementing precision techniques

Scheme of Work:


Integrating technology for precision and efficiency

Analyzing data for informed decision-making in agriculture

Week 5: Food Security and Global Agriculture

Lesson Note:


Understanding food security

Global agriculture challenges

Role of sustainable practices in ensuring food security



Debate on global agriculture issues

Research project on a food security topic

Scheme of Work:


Analyzing the global context of agriculture

Contributing to food security through sustainable practices

Week 6: Post-Harvest Management

Lesson Note:


Importance of post-harvest management

Techniques for preserving agricultural products

Reduction of post-harvest losses



Field trip to a post-harvest facility

Group project on creating a post-harvest management plan

Scheme of Work:


Ensuring quality and longevity of harvested crops

Practical aspects of post-harvest handling and storage

Week 7: Agricultural Extension Services

Lesson Note:


Role of agricultural extension services

Farmer education and outreach

Importance of knowledge transfer in agriculture



Guest lecture from an agricultural extension officer

Group project on creating an extension program

Scheme of Work:


Empowering farmers through education and support

Practical implementation of extension services

Week 8: Agro-Tourism and Rural Development

Lesson Note:


Concept of agro-tourism

Role in rural development

Creating agro-tourism opportunities



Field trip to an agro-tourism site

Group project on developing an agro-tourism plan

Scheme of Work:


Enhancing rural economies through agro-tourism

Practical aspects of implementing agro-tourism initiatives

Week 9: Climate-Smart Agriculture

Lesson Note:


Understanding climate-smart agriculture

Adaptation and mitigation strategies

Building resilience in farming practices



Climate-smart farming simulation

Group project on developing a climate-resilient farm plan

Scheme of Work:


Navigating the impacts of climate change in agriculture

Practical approaches to climate-smart farming

Week 10: Agripreneurship and Business Skills

Lesson Note:


Basics of agripreneurship

Developing a business mindset in agriculture

Financial management for agribusiness



Entrepreneurship workshop

Business plan development for a farm enterprise

Scheme of Work:


Fostering entrepreneurship in agriculture

Acquiring essential business skills for agribusiness success

Week 11: Revision Week



Review of key concepts from the third term

Practice tests and quizzes

Week 12: Examination Week



Final written examination for the third term

Practical assessments

Week 13: School Dismissal Week



Recap of the entire academic year

Distribution of certificates

Farewell and appreciation session.

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