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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

JSS3 Second Term PHE Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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JSS3 Second Term PHE Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


JSS3 Second Term Physical and Health Education (PHE) Lesson Note and Scheme of Work, covering weeks one to thirteen:


JSS3 Second Term Physical and Health Education (PHE) Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

Week 1: Continuation of Sports and Fitness Activities

Lesson Objectives:


Build on previous knowledge of sports and fitness.

Introduce new physical activities.



Advanced sessions in previously introduced sports.

Introduction to new fitness exercises.

Week 2-4: Personal and Social Health Education

Lesson Objectives:


Explore topics related to personal well-being and relationships.

Discuss mental health and its importance.



Group discussions on personal hygiene and healthy relationships.

Guest speaker on mental health awareness.

Week 5-7: First Aid and Emergency Response

Lesson Objectives:


Understand basic first aid techniques.

Learn how to respond to emergencies.



First aid demonstrations.

Simulated emergency scenarios for practical application.

Week 8-10: Environmental Health and Safety

Lesson Objectives:


Discuss the impact of the environment on health.

Learn about safety measures in different environments.



Field trip to explore environmental factors affecting health.

Group projects on creating safety guidelines for specific settings.

Week 11: Revision Week

Lesson Objectives:


Review key concepts from the second term.

Address any outstanding questions or concerns.



Group revision sessions.

Q&A sessions to clarify doubts.

Week 12: Examination Week


Conduct written and practical examinations.

Evaluate students’ understanding of the term’s topics.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Recap of the term’s highlights.

Distribution of report cards and feedback.

Encourage students to maintain a healthy lifestyle during breaks.

This outline builds on the foundation laid in the first term, introducing new topics and activities relevant to the Physical and Health Education curriculum. Teachers should adjust the content based on the specific curriculum and the needs of their students.

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