JSS2 Third Term Agricultural Science Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
Week 1: Introduction to Third Term Topics
Overview of the new term’s focus
Recap of essential concepts from previous terms
Week 2: Agricultural Economics I – Farm Planning and Budgeting
Importance of farm planning
Budgeting for agricultural activities
Economic considerations in farming
Week 3: Agricultural Economics II – Marketing Strategies
Marketing principles for agricultural products
Value addition and packaging
Market research and advertising in agriculture
Week 4: Agroforestry
Introduction to agroforestry
Benefits of integrating trees in farming
Agroforestry practices and management
Week 5: Irrigation and Water Management
Importance of irrigation in agriculture
Types of irrigation systems
Water conservation practices
Week 6: Agricultural Biotechnology
Basics of biotechnology in agriculture
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Ethical considerations in agricultural biotechnology
Week 7: Agricultural Cooperatives
Formation and benefits of cooperatives
Cooperative marketing and purchasing
Role of cooperatives in rural development
Week 8: Food Security and Nutrition
Factors influencing food security
Nutritional requirements for different age groups
Strategies for enhancing food security
Week 9: Entrepreneurship in Agriculture
Introduction to agricultural entrepreneurship
Business planning for farming ventures
Funding opportunities for agricultural startups
Week 10: Climate Change and Agriculture
Impact of climate change on agriculture
Adaptation and mitigation strategies
Sustainable farming practices in a changing climate
Week 11: Revision Week
Review of third term topics
Practice exams and group discussions
Week 12: Examination Week
Written and practical exams for the third term
Evaluation of students’ understanding
Week 13: School Dismissal Week
Recap of the entire academic year
Distribution of final report cards
Closing ceremonies and farewell to students.