JSS2 Second Term French Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
JSS2 Second Term French Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
Week 1: Clothing and Fashion
Lesson: Vocabulary for clothing items and discussing fashion.
Activities: Fashion show project, clothing descriptions.
Week 2: Weather and Seasons
Lesson: Expressions for describing weather conditions and seasons.
Activities: Weather reports, seasonal discussions.
Week 3: Hobbies and Leisure Activities
Lesson: Vocabulary related to hobbies and leisure.
Activities: Hobbies showcase, group discussions on favorite activities.
Week 4: Health and Body Parts
Lesson: Vocabulary for health-related issues and body parts.
Activities: Role-playing doctor-patient scenarios, healthy habits discussion.
Week 5: Technology and Gadgets
Lesson: Learning technology-related terms and discussing gadgets.
Activities: Tech showcase, creating imaginary tech devices.
Week 6: Animals and Nature
Lesson: Vocabulary for animals and nature-related terms.
Activities: Nature walk, creating animal-themed projects.
Week 7: Cultural Exploration
Lesson: Exploring French-speaking cultures around the world.
Activities: Cultural presentations, traditional games.
Week 8: Festivals and Celebrations
Lesson: Vocabulary for festivals and celebrations.
Activities: Planning a festival, cultural exchange.
Week 9: Professions and Workplaces
Lesson: Vocabulary for professions and different workplaces.
Activities: Career day, interviews with imaginary professionals.
Week 10: Expressing Likes and Dislikes
Lesson: Phrases for expressing preferences and dislikes.
Activities: Personal preference discussions, creating opinion polls.
Week 11: Revision Week
Reviewing key concepts and topics covered.
Activities: Quiz, group discussions, and review games.
Week 12: Examination Week
Preparing and conducting a comprehensive examination.
Week 13: School Dismissal Week
Summarizing the term, acknowledging achievements.
Activities: Reflections, certificates distribution, and farewell.