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IRK/IRS JAMB Past Questions And Answers (Objectives and Theory)

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IRK/IRS JAMB Past Questions And Answers (Objectives and Theory)


Islamic Religious Knowledge (IRK) questions with objectives and answers, followed by 5 theory questions and answers as Section B:


Section A: Multiple Choice Questions


Who is considered the final prophet in Islam?

A) Moses

B) Jesus

C) Abraham

D) Muhammad

Answer: D) Muhammad


Which Islamic pillar involves fasting during the month of Ramadan?

A) Shahada

B) Salah

C) Zakat

D) Sawm

Answer: D) Sawm


What is the holy book of Islam?

A) Torah

B) Bible

C) Quran

D) Psalms

Answer: C) Quran


What is the pilgrimage to Mecca called in Islam?

A) Jihad

B) Hajj

C) Umrah

D) Tawaf

Answer: B) Hajj


Who was the first caliph after the death of Prophet Muhammad?

A) Abu Bakr

B) Umar

C) Ali

D) Uthman

Answer: A) Abu Bakr


Which prophet is known as the builder of the Kaaba in Mecca?

A) Adam

B) Noah

C) Ibrahim (Abraham)

D) Musa (Moses)

Answer: C) Ibrahim (Abraham)


What is the name of the night journey of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to the heavens?

A) Isra

B) Hijra

C) Mi’raj

D) Laylat al-Qadr

Answer: A) Isra


Which wife of Prophet Muhammad is known as the “Mother of the Believers”?

A) Khadijah

B) Aisha

C) Fatimah

D) Hafsa

Answer: B) Aisha


Which angel is responsible for delivering revelations to the prophets in Islam?

A) Jibril (Gabriel)

B) Mikail (Michael)

C) Israfil

D) Azrael

Answer: A) Jibril (Gabriel)


What is the significance of the Battle of Badr in Islamic history?

A) It marked the migration of Muslims to Medina.

B) It was the first battle fought by Muslims against the Quraysh of Mecca.

C) It led to the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah.

D) It resulted in the martyrdom of Imam Hussain.

Answer: B) It was the first battle fought by Muslims against the Quraysh of Mecca.


Section B: Theory Questions


Discuss the concept of Tawhid in Islam and its importance in Islamic theology.

Answer: Tawhid is the fundamental concept of Islamic monotheism, emphasizing the oneness of God in Islam. It declares that there is only one God (Allah), who is transcendent, omnipotent, and incomparable. Tawhid encompasses the belief in the uniqueness of God’s essence, attributes, and actions, rejecting any form of polytheism or association of partners with God. This concept is central to Islamic theology, serving as the foundation of Islamic faith and practice. Belief in Tawhid shapes Muslims’ understanding of God’s sovereignty, worship, morality, and worldview, guiding them to live their lives in submission to the will of Allah alone.


Explain the significance of Salah (prayer) in Islam, including its rituals and benefits.

Answer: Salah, or prayer, holds significant importance in Islam as one of the five pillars of faith. It is a spiritual practice that involves the worshiper’s communication with Allah through prescribed rituals and supplications. Salah is performed five times a day at specified intervals, serving as a constant reminder of God’s presence and a means of spiritual purification and discipline. The rituals of Salah include purification through ablution (wudu), facing the Kaaba in Mecca, reciting verses from the Quran, and performing various physical postures such as standing, bowing, prostrating, and sitting. Salah serves as a direct connection between the worshiper and Allah, fostering spiritual growth, humility, gratitude, and mindfulness. It strengthens the bond of faith, purifies the soul, and provides guidance and tranquility in the midst of life’s challenges.


Discuss the concept of Zakat in Islam, its significance, and its role in society.

Answer: Zakat is the obligatory almsgiving or charity in Islam, prescribed as one of the five pillars of faith. It entails giving a portion of one’s wealth (usually 2.5%) to those in need, especially the poor, needy, orphans, and the destitute. Zakat serves multiple purposes in Islamic society, including the redistribution of wealth, the alleviation of poverty, and the promotion of social justice and solidarity. It purifies the wealth of the giver, promotes empathy and compassion toward the less fortunate, and fosters a sense of community responsibility. Zakat plays a vital role in addressing socioeconomic disparities, providing essential support to marginalized individuals and communities, and strengthening the bonds of brotherhood and mutual assistance within the Muslim ummah (community).


Explain the concept of Jihad in Islam, distinguishing between its different forms and misconceptions.

Answer: Jihad, often misunderstood as synonymous with holy war, encompasses a broader concept of striving or exerting effort in the path of God in Islam. It can be understood in both internal and external dimensions. Internal jihad refers to the personal struggle against one’s own desires, temptations, and sins in order to attain spiritual purification and moral excellence. External jihad, on the other hand, refers to striving in the defense or promotion of Islam, which may include physical, intellectual, or verbal efforts to uphold justice, resist oppression, and defend the faith. However, it is subject to strict ethical principles, such as the prohibition of aggression against non-combatants, the protection of the rights of civilians, and the observance of just war principles. Jihad is often misconstrued as promoting violence or terrorism, but in its true essence, it emphasizes the pursuit of peace, justice, and righteousness through legitimate means sanctioned by Islamic law.

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