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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 Third Term Garment Making Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 Third Term Garment Making Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Third Term: Garment Making Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Advanced Apparel Construction Techniques

Lesson Note:


Advanced garment construction methods

Incorporating lining and facing in garments

Creating intricate garment structures



Advanced construction projects

Lining and facing application exercises

Scheme of Work:


Proficiency in complex garment construction techniques

Week 2: Specialized Garment Types

Lesson Note:


Crafting swimwear and lingerie

Introduction to costume design

Tailoring for specific occasions



Swimwear and lingerie projects

Costume design exercises

Scheme of Work:


Skill development in creating specialized garments

Week 3: Advanced Draping Techniques

Lesson Note:


Sculptural draping for unique designs

Draping for eveningwear and formal attire

Customizing designs through advanced draping



Sculptural draping sessions

Draping projects for formal wear

Scheme of Work:


Mastery of advanced garment draping techniques

Week 4: Fashion Technology and CAD in Garment Design

Lesson Note:


Introduction to fashion design software

Digital pattern making and customization

Using technology in the design process



Hands-on experience with fashion design software

Digital pattern making projects

Scheme of Work:


Integration of technology in garment design

Week 5: Entrepreneurship in Fashion

Lesson Note:


Basics of starting a fashion business

Marketing and branding for fashion entrepreneurs

Developing a business plan for a garment-making venture



Guest speakers from the fashion industry

Creating a business plan for a garment-making business

Scheme of Work:


Understanding the business side of garment making

Week 6: Collaborative Design Projects

Lesson Note:


Team-based design projects

Collaboration in garment creation

Presentation skills for fashion designers



Collaborative design projects

Group presentations of final designs

Scheme of Work:


Teamwork and presentation skills enhancement

Week 7: Fashion Show Preparation

Lesson Note:


Planning and organizing a fashion show

Garment selection for the runway

Choreographing a fashion show



Fashion show planning sessions

Rehearsals for the runway

Scheme of Work:


Preparation for the end-of-term fashion show

Week 8: Fashion Show Execution

Lesson Note:


Conducting the end-of-term fashion show

Showcasing student-designed garments

Evaluation and feedback session



Fashion show event

Feedback and reflection session

Scheme of Work:


Execution and evaluation of the end-of-term fashion show

Week 9: Portfolio Development

Lesson Note:


Creating a professional fashion portfolio

Showcasing completed projects

Documenting the creative process



Portfolio development sessions

Review and refinement of portfolios

Scheme of Work:


Building a comprehensive fashion portfolio

Week 10: Review and Reflection

Lesson Note:


Reflecting on the entire academic year

Reviewing achievements and challenges

Planning for future learning and growth



Individual reflections

Goal-setting for the future

Scheme of Work:


Comprehensive review and individual goal-setting

Week 11: Graduation and Awards Ceremony

Lesson Note:


Celebrating student achievements

Awarding certificates and recognitions

Graduation ceremony



Graduation event

Distribution of certificates and awards

Scheme of Work:


Culmination of the academic year with a graduation ceremony

Week 12: School Closure and Transition

Lesson Note:


Final administrative tasks

Closure of the school year

Transition to the next academic cycle



Administrative procedures for school closure

Preparing for the next academic year

Scheme of Work:


Closing the academic year and transitioning to the next phase

Week 13: Summer Break

Lesson Note:


No formal lessons during the summer break

Encouragement for continued learning and creativity

Wishing students a restful and productive break



Informal communication and support

Encouraging students to explore their creativity during the break

Scheme of Work:


Informal support during the summer break and preparation for the next academic year.

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