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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

JSS3 First Term PHE Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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JSS3 First Term PHE Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


JSS3 First Term Physical and Health Education (PHE) Lesson Note and Scheme of Work, spanning from week one to week 13:


JSS3 First Term Physical and Health Education (PHE) Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

Week 1: Introduction to Physical and Health Education

Lesson Objectives:


Understand the importance of PHE in overall well-being.

Define key terms related to Physical and Health Education.



Class discussion on the importance of physical fitness.

Introduction to basic health concepts through interactive sessions.

Week 2-4: Basic Anatomy and Physiology

Lesson Objectives:


Explore the structure and functions of the human body.

Learn about major muscle groups and their roles.



Practical demonstrations of basic exercises targeting different muscle groups.

Group activities to identify and label parts of the human body.

Week 5-7: Nutrition and Healthy Living

Lesson Objectives:


Understand the importance of balanced nutrition.

Explore the impact of diet on overall health.



Guest speaker on nutrition and its role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Group projects on creating balanced meal plans.

Week 8-10: Sports and Fitness Activities

Lesson Objectives:


Introduce various sports and physical activities.

Emphasize the benefits of regular exercise.



Practical sessions of different sports (e.g., football, basketball, athletics).

Organize a mini sports day with various competitions.

Week 11: Revision Week

Lesson Objectives:


Review key concepts from previous weeks.

Address any outstanding questions or concerns.



Group revision sessions.

Q&A sessions to clarify doubts.

Week 12: Examination Week


Conduct written and practical examinations.

Evaluate students’ understanding of the term’s topics.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Recap of the term’s highlights.

Distribution of report cards and feedback.

Encourage students to continue practicing a healthy lifestyle during the break.

This outline provides a general structure, and actual content can be tailored based on the specific curriculum and resources available. Teachers should adapt activities to suit the needs and abilities of their students.

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