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List Of Art Courses Offered In Ede Poly

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Are you interested in discovering the array of art courses offered at Ede Polytechnic? Look no further! Ede Polytechnic, located in Ede, Osun State, Nigeria, is an educational institution that provides a diverse range of courses, including various art programs.

The art courses offered at Ede Polytechnic are designed to equip students with practical skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the art industry. Below, we will delve into the list of art courses available at Ede Polytechnic:

1. Fine Art

The Fine Art course is designed to impart practical skills and theoretical knowledge to aspiring professional artists. This course covers a wide range of art forms, including drawing, painting, sculpture, and printmaking.

2. Graphic Design

The Graphic Design course focuses on the creation of visual communication materials, such as logos, brochures, posters, and websites. Students delve into the principles of design, typography, and color theory. They also gain proficiency in software tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

3. Industrial Design

The Industrial Design course equips students with the ability to create functional and visually appealing products, such as furniture, appliances, and electronic devices. Students learn about materials and manufacturing processes, as well as design principles like ergonomics and user experience.

4. Painting and General Arts

This course centers around painting as an art form. Students gain expertise in various painting techniques and styles, including oil painting, watercolor, and acrylic. Additionally, the course covers general arts, encompassing topics such as art history, art criticism, and art appreciation.

5. Sculpture

The Sculpture course focuses on three-dimensional artwork creation using diverse materials like wood, metal, stone, and clay. Students delve into sculpting techniques, anatomy, and composition.

6. Textile Design and Printing

The Textile Design and Printing course revolves around the creation of textile designs and patterns. Students learn about different types of textiles, dyeing techniques, printing methods, and fabric construction. They also acquire proficiency in design software tools like Adobe Illustrator.


These art courses at Ede Polytechnic aim to nurture and develop students’ artistic abilities, enabling them to pursue successful careers in the art industry.

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