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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 Second Term Igbo Language Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 Second Term Igbo Language Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS3 Second Term Igbo Language Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Igbo Syntax and Sentence Structure


Understanding the structure of Igbo sentences.

Analyzing sentence components and word order.

Forming complex sentences with various elements.

Week 2: Igbo Verbs (Past Tense)


Comprehensive study of Igbo verbs in the past tense.

Conjugation exercises and storytelling using past tense verbs.

Application of past tense verbs in real-life scenarios.

Week 3: Igbo Numbers and Quantifiers


Learning Igbo numerals and quantifiers.

Counting, expressing quantities, and using numerals in sentences.

Practical exercises involving transactions and measurements.

Week 4: Igbo Conjunctions and Connectives


Introduction to Igbo conjunctions and connective words.

Creating cohesive sentences and paragraphs.

Group activities focusing on effective communication.

Week 5: Igbo Cultural Festivals and Celebrations


Exploring traditional Igbo festivals and celebrations.

Understanding the cultural significance of various events.

Group presentations on selected festivals.

Week 6: Igbo Drama and Playwriting


Reading and analyzing Igbo plays.

Collaborative writing of short Igbo plays.

Performance and peer evaluation of the plays.

Week 7: Igbo Literature and Poetry


Introduction to Igbo literary works and poetry.

Analyzing poems and their cultural context.

Creating original poems in Igbo.

Week 8: Igbo Art and Craft


Exploring traditional Igbo art forms and crafts.

Hands-on activities creating traditional Igbo crafts.

Exhibition and appreciation of students’ work.

Week 9: Igbo Environmental Vocabulary


Learning Igbo vocabulary related to the environment.

Discussing environmental issues in Igbo.

Projects on creating awareness about environmental conservation in Igbo.

Week 10: Igbo Role Models and Heroes


Researching and presenting notable Igbo role models and heroes.

Discussion on their contributions to Igbo society.

Class debate on contemporary role models.

Week 11: Revision Week


Review of all topics covered in the term.

Interactive quizzes and games for reinforcement.

Week 12: Examination Week


Preparation and conduct of the end-of-term examination.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Reflection on the term’s learning experiences.

Certificates and awards distribution.

Farewell activities and celebrations.

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